


5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info





  • boku no hero academia fan character
  • hero name: bare bones hero - aoi hone
  • quirk: blue flames - he can produce blue flames from the chemicals in the atmosphere and control them with his hands
  • class 1b student
  • jia's best friend, has known him since elementary
  • distant cousin to todoroki (mother's side, surprisingly) but he doesn't let todoroki know and they don't really know each other
  • lowkey jealous of todoroki because he has confusing feelings about jia and because todoroki is better than him despite their quirks being similar
  • winter and skeleton aesthetic because he can
  • literally everyone thinks he has ice powers when they first meet himĀ 
  • he does this on purpose because he thinks it's funny
  • he's kind of frustrated that the sports fest event allowed people to notice he has a fire quirk instead of a snow-related quirk
  • they aren't officially together, but i think it's worth noting. jia and fuyu have known each other since fifth grade, when fuyu transferred to jia's school. they attend the same high school, but in different classes and courses. they're best friends. fuyu really cares a lot about jia and always has her back, and she always has his, too. they hang out so frequently together that most people think they're dating, but they're not. they're just very, very close. fuyu harbors some feelings for jia, but knows she's got a crush on someone else so he keeps it to himself. he's a bit sad about it, but he's still very supportive.
    here's an excerpt i just thought of. it works better in my language--anyway, this happens during lunch time.
    "y'know fuyu, i have no idea why you're still single. you're a pretty great guy!! and you're so sweet. any girl would be lucky to have you."
    "it's because i've always only liked this one girl, but she has her eyes set on someone else. i'm still really lucky to have her by my side, though. and her happiness means everything to me."
    the conversation takes a turn where jia finally puts the pieces together and realizes he likes her. they kind of start figuring out their relationship from there.