Kyriþ [Nembra]



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Kyriþ (Pronounced /kai-rith/ [May be written Kyrith]




Nembra (Northern)

MYO Design

2 Jan, 2015 [Designed By Me]




none currently

Ref Sheet



Castle Honor Scout : Swears upon their name and honor to serve and protect their Castle and it's inhabitants. She serves as a versatile and loyal protector, somewhat similar to a general soldier, but much more highly trained and subtle. Some of her duties are Scouting around her castle, watching for signs of invaders or potential dangers, both from nature or other Nembra, spying missions, message delivery, artifact retrieval (lore-based treasure hunting), and even things like general crowd control and innocent defending. (If a brawl breaks out, she would first clear all innocents out of the area, and then resolve the disturbance based on her sense of justice and duty, most likely determining the offending party and delivering them to the authorities. This occupation is not paid in any way by the Lord of the Castle, it is entirely honor based, and once she aligns herself with a castle she is bound to them until the Lord of the castle thanks her for her duties by having a single gold coin smelt for her, bearing her crest on one side, and the castle's sigil on the other. She carries all her Honor coins in a leather purse around her neck, buried beneath her fur. These are her only personal belongings besides her clothing, and she never buys or sells anything except in errands for her castle. As soon as she is known as a castle's Honor Scout, it is customary that the inhabitants and merchants aid her with enough food and a room while she is in their service. This is in respect because she has sworn basically to protect them at any cost, and to benefit their castle without question. (Note: It is her own decision to align herself with a castle, and she will only do so if she believes that the heart of the Lord and his purpose is positive. (e.g. if she knows that a certain Lord or Lady have sinister or evil plans she won't align herself with them, but keep traveling until she finds a castle with a good heart.) Religion: She follows the old Gods, but because of potential for differing opinions, she never discusses it with anyone, so that Lords and Ladies holding her coin can see her as Unbiased.


Cheery and kind, while retaining composure and focus, always on alert, very quiet and stealthy.

Physical Build

Strong Lithe build, second pair of forearms mutation. Standard long, high ears. Standard long, furred tail. Dark reddish orange fur, Warm Reddish Brown eyes, faint scar across left eye and cheek, and one across the bridge of her nose. Her fur can sometimes cover them.


Born to commoners that lived in the forests, not inside a castle. Her father was a Hunter/Trapper, and her mother was a battle-nurse. A year after she was born, her father was unwillingly drawn into the military force of the castle they lived nearest to, her mother followed the troops, patching up battle wounds as the groups fought about something so petty that it wasn't even written in the area's history logs. The opposing force drew them into a valley as a trap, and fought dirty by rolling large boulders coated in hot tar down the ridge, crushing her father's troops, killing him and her mother as well. Left an orphan, she was stuck living at the castle until she was old enough to help out. The older females in the castle urged her to become a nurse or a baker, and schooled her in both occupations until she finally realized that she needed to be outside in the fresh air, protecting people. She became an Honor scout, and aligned herself with the Lord of the castle, earning the trust of the people and using her amazing intellect and knowledge from her time outside the walls to help fortify the castle. She broke up many fist fights in the bars, and often would protect the Lord's family as they ventured into the gardens outside the walls. During this time she trained with the castle's sword dancers and learned a bit of herb healing and alchemy. After a span of time, the Lord thanked her for her protection and released her from her contract with him by forging a single gold coin with her sigil on one side and his family crest on the other. She soon left and spent many months exploring and after a time, she found a new castle and begun again.