Minaveria Elrie Liadi



5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Minaveria Elrie Liadi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Purebred elf, or so she was told

Other form: Her real father was actually a naga prince. When in naga form, her tail is a beautiful iridescent color. Black scales that glimmer with colors like a rainbow. 

Height: 5'5"

Status in the Kingdom: Queen

Personality: Minaveria is a proud, strong leader with a heart of gold. She rules her kingdom kindly. And, with how much respect she gives to her people, the kingdom lives in peace and harmony. But, after the attack, she became closed off. Now determined, strong willed, and ready for a fight to reclaim her kingdom. Mina is a wonderful young lady with a desire for love. Acceptance. If she's ever lucky enough to find someone right for her, she will love them until her final breath. She's the loyalest person you will ever meet.

Bio: Minaveria, or Mina for short, was bred to be a queen. Her older sister, Aila, had been tossed aside due to a misformed mouth and the blood of a dragon running through her veins. With Mina being thought to be a purebred female, gifted by the goddess Aphrodite, she was raised wonderfully. Her sister was tasked as her protector. One day, the kingdom was attacked. Many fell. The kingdom was overrun. Aila took the young queen and ran to safety. Now the two travel in search of help in taking back their lost kingdom.