
5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Daren

Race: Khajiit

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Has dull brown fur with black stripes and has greenish-gold eyes. He usually wears lighter clothes with a dark hood. He has daggers and a hunter's bow, but usually switches them out for better shaped items.

Personality: Generally funny and cheerful, especially around children. He's sarcastic and can be a pain if he's in a stressful situation, but is a quick thinker and can get out of sticky situations fast and (usually) uninjured. As much as he's sneaky, he is just as observant. To most people he comes off as a another guy, but really he is just good at blending in with crowds; even when drunk. However he can sometimes be a little shy around women.

History: After his birth mother had been killed by someone, baby Daren was found by an ex-assassin Argonian and raised by her up until age 18. Daren had learned how to hunt, fish, and steal pretty well by this time. When his mentor/parent had gotten sick, he did all he could to help her and make her feel comfortable. As soon as she passed, he left to become a hunter in day and thief/assassin by night. Years later, no one knows that he is a thief or assassin because how involved he is with the traders and merchants. He is known mostly for his excellent hunting skills, archery, and friendliness. The only ones who know about his other "professions" are those of the thieves guild and some smaller assassin groups.

Other: He uses bows and arrows, daggers, and uses his environment to his advantage.