
5 years, 4 months ago


Name : Otoño ( the Spanish word for fall )

Gender: female
Age: 16
Patron God: Tulle - God of Fall/Autumn

Personality: Aspiring and Adaptable , with undertones of being Impatient and Bold . All be a bit Fickle at times , she's Hardworking .

One could say she's impatient and a bit bold but these are over shadowed by her aspirations and adaptability . Being able to change herself and adapt to any situation to overcome any obstacle to reach her goal . Tho at times it makes her come off as a bit Fickle , always changing and doing what she thinks will work best to get to her dreams any quicker . She can always be seem Working hard at what she does best , Caring for her garden . She does some heavy lifting and works for long hours making sure the jobs done right .

History Before Ritorurando:
Otoño is what can be considered a foreign cat . She lived down South with her large family , one that comes from a long line of Tulle followers and fall harvesting .Her family is largely successful in the field and have a saying , The Familys success is my success. She wanted to mark her success as hers and hers alone , so she planned on heading out on her own . It is traditional for the the cats in her family to get married or Find a reliable mate before setting off . At the time she had no one to really help her , and not wanting to get married but still wanting to find her own success she ran away from home and moved into town.

Eager and Ready to lay her claim she aims to be a Headfarmer . For the time being she starts her garden and takes irregular classes , mostly focusing on her future as a farmer but also wants to be able to cast her own kind of magic .