Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Please read me

The characters contained in this are not to be used without explicit permission. This includes but is not limited to: copying, using as inspiration, using as face claims/reference and AI or NFT art.

Characters I am fine with being drawn are tagged with "giftart fine" - otherwise please ask first.

Please be aware just because a character is not regularly updated with new art doesn't mean that they aren't used and loved.

If you see content you do not agree with or like, please move along or mute them/block me, thanks. All art will be thoroughly tagged but profile content will not be, so please read at your own discretion.

Do not interact if you are a minor (asking about trades is fine), if you are anti-choice/pro-life, a proshipper, anti BLM, racist, Nazi, zoophile or support feral porn, anti-LGBT, into AI or NFT/Crypto or other problematic choices. I don't want you here.

Do not
  • Do not add my characters to "dreamy", "inspo", "aesthetic" or wishlist folders I will block you.
  • Use my character for face claims, reference, inspiration, color pick, etc.
  • Kin or ship my characters.
  • Draw NSFW of my characters
  • Contact me if you are blocked or on my blacklist, even by a third party.
Content Warnings
  • Potential gore
  • Heavy subjects
  • Suggestive themes
  • LGBT themes

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!