♔ King Rick (♡ Full Profile)



king rick
Name king rick
Age 23
Height 5'1"
Gender amab genderless
Pronouns he/they
Species cyborg
Orientation bisexual
Occupation fashion designer
Birthday june 10
Worth priceless
Theme primadonna
HTML vom


Though on the outside he can be stuck up, selfish and bratty, King Rick is at heart a genuinely caring person who wants his few loved ones and himself to be happy. He is rather kind and generous to those he cares for and lives a carefree, relaxed lifestyle.

To strangers, he comes off as cute and friendly, but only because he feels it's the only reputation he's allowed to have due to his looks and interests. He wishes to grow taller and to look more mature. His real natural voice is deeper, even monotone at times, and doesn't fully suit his appearance. He keeps up with the act to hide his darker personality.

He usually presents as masculine and uses he/him pronouns more than any other, but he doesn't mind what gender he's perceived as (he's NB/agender). His features are androgynous and some days he may present as more feminine or masculine leaning. He likes any fashion as long as it's cute or pretty, but is a big fan of pastels, ribbons, and lace dresses.

Being from a wealthy family, his spending habits are awful and he hates any kind of streneous work, often convincing others to do his bidding. His favorite hobby is shopping, mostly for clothes, makeup and accessories. Being an only child, he is quite spoiled and has been all his life.

He isn't the best at making true friendships that last, but when they do, he is completely serious about them and is loyal for life. He takes trust seriously and is careful about choosing his companions.

  • Deadly Sin: Pride
  • Heavenly Virtue: Charity
  • Himedere + Tsundere
  • Loves wearing shoes with biiig platforms to look taller.
  • Despite being lazy, he is quite perceptive and is more intelligent than he comes across.
  • Can be moody and emotional, however, he can be easily cheered up in minutes.
  • Only likes to be called King Rick.
  • Loves being called king and your majesty even as a joke.
  • He's picky about his diet and is extremely carnivorous. He has childish, unhealthy taste (such as cake for dinner) and loves candy.
  • He may be depicted as a rat, squirrel, possum or other rodents on occasion. Sometimes he may also be drawn with the same hair color as me, but his main will always be lavender.
  • He prefers to be close with fewer people, as it takes awhile for him to bond with a person.
  • His favorite color is pink.
  • Has a large stuffed animal collection.
  • His behavior changes completely when around those he likes.
  • Despite any scary behaviors he learned, due to the way his AI was first implemented, he is physically incapable of being mean to kids. He's equipped to deal with crying children and knows how to cheer them up.

  • Plushies and toys
  • Anything cute
  • Pastels
  • Money
  • Clothes
  • Insects
  • Being ignored
  • Ugly / tacky fashion
  • Rejection
  • Being dirty



As an abandoned, failed project, King Rick was created as a marketable plush toy that could speak- however, he was tossed due to his creator's concept being rejected. His AI was still active, and his mind develops to be more human-like each day. Somehow, he ends up in the possession of Glen, a lonely loser who happened to be a ROBAI genius. Being an extreme recluse, King Rick, a literal talking plush, became Glen's only friend.

Growing weary of being lame, having no social skills, and feeling invisible, Glen agrees to let the AI of King Rick take over his entire body and becomes reborn as someone new. King Rick, now in control, gives him a makeover, a charming personality, people skills, and a massive online following so his host no longer feels lonely. He becomes a popular fashion model with lots of fans and friends, living a cute and comfortable lifestyle. Glen is essentially dead, as if he never existed, and King Rick, now in a modified human body with a significant amount of wealth, gets to live free and cause all the trouble he wants.

farmer tea best friend / knight

the beary best bro he could ask for

envious • duplicitous • volatile