AWW you got this baby?? SO CUTE! <3

YEAH! I got him yesterday! I really like him hes been a mega dreamie of mine for a while now.

hello! i just obtained this cham: and i noticed they have lore together on the Links tab, i was wondering if you're still interested in keeping their relationship? (i'm not too sure what their past owner/owners intended for his lore to be, but i'm happy leaving it alone if you'd like!)

ahh, that was the original lore i wrote for the pair when i first had Helios - you don't need to keep it but thank you for asking! : D

oh, i actually didn't notice you'd originally owned him!! i think i will remove it, but i just wanted to say i think the way their lore together is written is beautiful <3

(i'm assuming it's the same for the other cham he's linked with, Nyanko, as well? :-0 )

Yep, Nyanko too - asdfg thank you <3