


5 years, 4 months ago



A theatrical young man who lives and breaths under the spotlight. Jasper is known as a star actor across the city of Yarrow. Both looks and acts like a prince most of the time, but off the stage he's a big dork.

When not at the playhouse hes either holed up in the library, fencing or helping his partner tend to various kinds of plants. Charming and energetic but can get carried away sometimes when his more boisterous side is out. His Lights unique ability makes his hair glitter like the stars when put in light. the intensity varies depending on the kind of light its under.

  • Flamboyant
  • Perceptive
  • Charismatic
  • Boisterous
  • Theatre
  • Flowers
  • Coffee
  • Reading

Growing up a quiet and bookish kid, Jasper had a hard time finding his passion as a child. He loved fables and fairy tales and had a passing interest in acting, but he never really found his passion until he hit his second year of highschool. On a whim he auditioned for a last minute role in the schools theatre club. the role was for the lead who had to bail due to illness and his classmate practically begged him to fill in last minute despite no experience in the art. As if struck by lightning, a huge passion for the art of plays and acting began to bud, and with it, an immense ammount of talent for the art. he managed to nail his role, and soon before long he had been swept into the world of stage plays and theatre.

Jasper quickly began to gain attention for his showstopping preformances and passionate displays of theatrics, catching the eye of a The within the city of Yarrow. when he graduated, Jasper was quickly scouted and put on the big stage for the world of professional acting to see.

  • Has a fanclub, and is regularly approached by fans for autographs.
  • Writes as a hobby. He hopes to publish a book of fairy tales and fables one day, but is always too busy at the theatre to get anything concrete down.
  • Over half of his wardobe is costume wear he just. wears outisde.
  • Likes to stargaze with his partner :)
  • Drinks his coffee black.


Jaspers boyfriend. A sweet young man with a green thumb and a quiet yet charming demeanor. at first glance its hard to wrap your head around a pair more different in personality, but getting to know them paints a different story.



Ki's co-worker and Jaspers friend from highschool. Another introvert caught up in the whirlwind that is his friends career. A lover of the arts, always sending orders of bouqets to the playhouse. Jasper is one of the few who know of Robins abilities.


Character Name

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