


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Alt. Names

"The Pope"


He's a Cleric that muti-classed into necromancy. He is loved and blessed by all the gods but after becoming disillusioned with them and he tries to fist fight them all. Necromancy has been summarily banned by all human societies because of it's madness causing effects (it's an arcane magic.)

He was next inline to inherit the church, and he keeps a "wrap" on all his necromancy for the "church's image" but he really doesn't give a crap about the church. He's forced to always have illusory magic to cover up his true eye colour.

He raised an un-dead 1/2 demon+ 1/2 human berserk fighter/tank, they are good friends and the "demon in the church's basement" he wants to escape to the demon realm and has a cunning plan to make that happen.

Magic in this world is slightly strange, only humans are blessed with "modern" magic (humans can use arcane magic but it's a derivative of arcane magic that the mind can handle more), demons use old or "arcane" magic that is closer to the true root of all magic. Demons can use abilities that are, usually, unique to each species of demon. However, his mastery over blessed light magic is honestly strange and unusual he knows a "spell" that can "revive" the dead, and in theory, if it a true light magic spell then anyone should be able to learn it, however, nobody else has been able to, thus he is heralded as the messiah.