
5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Steel

Gender: Trans Woman

Species: Umbreon/Carnivine

Level: 0

Mutations: Fusion(super rare)

Age: ~19

Type: Dark/Grass

Nature: Bold

Rank: Bronze

Sexuality: Homosexual

:bulletgreen: Protective- Steel would do anything for Flint. In extension, she would also do nearly anything for her team and allies. However, Flint and herself always come first. 

:bulletgreen: Responsible-Actions have rewards and consequences. Steel takes charge of her actions and fully admits to them, positive or negative in connotation. 

:bulletgreen: Loyal- Steel is loyal to a fault. Her team, Flint, and other associates are those she has sworn to. Her word is a promise, her bonds even more so-And she never breaks a promise.

:bulletwhite: Good Actress- Steel is excellent at acting any way she wishes. (See manipulative)

:bulletwhite: Self-Sacrificing- This trait is incredibly key to Steel, however, it usually only applies to one individual. When she latches on to someone she would go through anything for them. Everything except being apart.

:bulletwhite: Obsessive- Steel has a habit of obsessing over things. She finds a rock that she really likes? Raves about it for weeks. Found a new way to fashion her vines? Fawns over them for months. Found an accessory that she thinks goes great with her rings? It will never leave her body.

:bulletred: Lack of morals-Those that aren't friends or family don't matter. Anything goes. Murder, stealing, assault, kidnapping, torture, arson, manipulation. Steel has absolutely no personal moral levels, though she does understand what is perceived as wrong she simply doesn't care. It's a dog eat dog world, and she's the carnivore.

:bulletred: Short Fuse- It is easy to piss Steel off. While she shall contain her anger as a newbie, when her rank rises she will explode under the right circumstances. Her tolerance for disrespect is absolutely non-existent.

:bulletred: Manipulative- Used to make people like her mostly. She doesn't usually mean harm, but still actively acts or does ways one thing or another to trick them into acting how she wants. She spent most of her life showing her beloved brother what a good person she was. She keeps her dark colours away from him as much as she can.


(TW: Blood, manipulation, possible platonic yandere tones, obsession, psychopathic tendencies, death)


Life was simple. Dull even. The warm embraces of her father, the harsh tales of her mothers' quests. As a young eevee Steel was completely contented in her life, she always had enough to eat, one of her parents was always around her. The criminal base she called home wasn't bad when you were born there. Some residents were hostile, but even kids learned who to approach and who to avoid in the halls. She hadn't seen many dark things at first, her father sheltered her. A bit overbearing but his intentions were out of love and worry. Steel would later say he deserved better than the life he held. He was too kind, too soft, too loving. Always understanding, even when she snapped the neck of an infant rattata she thought was an invader. The enraged mother had scarred his face, but being a higher rank and far stronger he easily vanquished her and rescued his daughter. Her mother, the one who encouraged her to practice fighting and strategy was angrier than her father. A strict rule on no fighting anyone or anything in the hide-out unless explicitly told to was put in place. Father urged for a more normal childhood, and thus mundane became routine.

Steel always wanted to explore the outside or be helpful in some way, but being a small hybrid eevee she wasn't much of a use to anyone. Staying at home she entertained herself with crafts, feathers, teeth, bones, and stones being her favourite materials. Necklace chords of wires, strings, and other objects she found around the hide-out. Some items she could sell for small profits, the money used for better materials and her newest hobby; bribing. Children seemed to be easily swayed with promises of candy money. She hired resident children to do various things for her. Stealing from higher ranked Rocket's rooms, plucking a feather off of a sleeping moltres, juggling knives... They were easily swayed, and Steel began to test just how far she could make individuals go for whispered promises and flashes of coins. Her mother caught wind of her habit, but only encouraged her. It became their little hobby. "This will make you into a real member of this team" she whispered, voice laced with pride she yearned to earn. Father never heard of her hobby.

Father was an excellent person. He saved his daughter from many troubles, his higher rank and fire breath usually being the only things between the eevee and a short life. She grew more sly and far less reckless as her father counted up small wounds from angry residents. She would make a purr like noise to soothe him, petting through his thick fur with her vines and nuzzling under his neck. She never could voice how grateful she was to him, but always knew one day she would repay him. It was the gift of an egg that made her indebted to him most. From a raid, an abandoned egg was plucked, and placed alongside her mother's warmth. It hatched, and out came a small bundle of muted blues and grays.

Everything's a little brighter

Life was bright. Excellent even. The warm embrace of her infant brother, the gentle tales strung of her own fantastical worlds. Her brother was the greatest gift anyone had ever given her, and she refused to leave his side. Her hobbies were dropped, and her greatest hobby of all was born; protecting her baby brother. When he was old enough to walk she immediately began to play, gentler than she had been with any other child. Her paws were no longer for manipulation or snapping intruders necks, nor was her mind. She no longer had any need for anything else. All she wanted was to protect Flint and to do that all she needed was to pave a life for them. And thus her plotting began. They would be an amazing team. Mother agreed. Her words of poisoned honey wound around his heart and mind and Steel didn't see the harm it caused-she had done similarly to her. She would likely love him even if he slit her throat and spat words of his hatred of her. Of course, he never did, he was a gentle and precious child. She only wished he had gotten to know their father more.


Mother returned, alone. She told a woeful tale of their father betraying their team, lashing out and then running off when overpowered. She smelled of blood, and stains showed her story true. Steel was shaken to her core, but never showed weakness or sadness. She grew further attached to her brother and clung to him as if he would turn to ash. They began to work, harder than ever to become members of the Rockets. Steel was mildly distressed at the start, for Flint wasn't as good at any of the physical endeavours. However when he began using his mind he clearly excelled. And thus began her days of planting evidence and shifting blame for her positive actions on her brother. He would succeed. And it would be at her side too. It was the day that their mother left on a mission that their world was shaken once more. She didn't come back. She was, indeed, dead. This shook Flint more, but Steel wasn't as emotionally attatched. Mother was more of a role model and encourager, while dad had been actually caring and obviously attached. Though she still mourned her mother, she was far happier supporting and comforting her beloved brother, encouraging him. It was the perfect opportunity to make him rely on her, just as he should.

Without Prim to protect them they were quickly chased away, though Steel fought tooth and claw to make sure her brother got out unharmed. For a long time the pair wandered aimlessly, a new adventure of being two-bit criminals being their new lives. Steel was content as long as Flint was fed and safe. When he returned with a poster of a supposed paradise, she was willing to follow him.

Move Set:

Sweet Scent-
At its most minor form Steel lets out a pleasant scent, soothing and floral like that seems appealing to nearly anyone, warping slightly to be likeable to those that smell it. As a battle tactic Steel releases huge amounts of pink gas(And, peculiar as it is-Pink petals) from her mouth and neck leaves to a lesser extent. This gas burns the eyes, feels thick in the lungs and overall causes distress. Best used as a distraction, and lowers visibility, and therefore evasiveness. Most also find the scent to be too strong and further overwhelming.

Power Whip-Her tentacle-like vines or neck leaves glow and elongate temporarily, and are then used to repeatedly and viciously whip the opponent with extreme force.

Crunch-Steel harshly bites the opponent, using her harsh 'teeth' which grow even more harmful with the power of this dark type move.

Moonlight-Calling upon the power of the weather Steel can heal herself. Most effective during the night, and even more useful on a clear night.

Equipment: Starter kit (Usually only uses gloves), grass gem necklace from Flint



    Deku-Father-Carnivine/Flareon "You were a gentle man, and for that I thank you. You cradled both myself and my brother with the love of a thousand men. Without you I would not have my beloved brother, and less importantly my own life. I owe you many things, and I regret being unable to repay any of my debts to you. I love you, father."

   Prim-Umbreon "You are why I am who I am today. Mother, you set me upon the path that will lead to success. Your ambitions are now mine, and I will eternally treasure your life."

  Flint-Dearest Brother-Luxio/Poochyena- Tigertherogue "Brother it is impossible to word how much I love you. You are the center of my universe, always have been, always will be. I will protect you from everything and everyone until the day we meet upon the rainbow bridge. I will sacrifice my everything for you."





  In This Animatic

Hey so, Grass?

What's up with the DBH furry art?

Oh cool you noticed.

So this is an AU blessing given upon me that is... Detroit Become Human where everything is the exact same except Rk800/Connor is Steel with some super cool light up wheelies. And y'know RK900 is better, bluer Steel....