Melon ♥️'s Comments

Aww, she's cute!

Thank you!! I’m actually really stressed because I have no idea how to upload images on her profile 😅

Yw! And oh, no worries! It took me a bit of fiddling (and google searches...) to figure the site out myself X"D Go to "submit" at the toolbar at the very top of the page. Hovering over it should bring up a drop-down menu; click "image" and then click the "choose file" near the top of the page. To add the image to her page, go to "+ Add Character" on the right, then "Select" and choose her. ^_^

EDIT: I realized after typing this I probably replied too late (it seems like you uploaded more), sorry about that!

Ah yes I kinda figured it out xD thanks though!!!

Ah okay X'D You're welcome haha XD