Zaria Willow



5 years, 4 months ago



Zaria Willow




Ari (R-E), Subject 23, Hallow




19 years old


October 31st


5'4 ft

Tail length:

6'5 ft

Body type:

Fair she has a lean curved build and is extremely fit.




Mother: Mia Willow 48 yrs (Living)

Father: Elijah Willow 52 yrs (Living)

Brothers: Eric Willow 7 yrs (Living)

Sisters: None

Relationship status:



Thick electrified lizard tail that is nearly pure muscle and can vary between the charge it emits, She has a second set of eyes that sit on her cheek bones that function separately from her main pair if she wants and when closed they look like a simple line on her cheek. She has a small pair of blackish purple horns on her head and slited pupils.


Music, outdoors, flowers and trees, storms and rain, meats no sea food (excluding fish), blacks and blues and reds, butterflies,


Her parents, the government, small spaces, darkness, the quiet, stupid people,


Very small closed spaces, pitch darkness, spiders (and most insects), anything governments related

Favorite songs: 

Freakshow by: Skillet


Sassy, smart, crud, to the point, smart mouthed, guarded, stubborn, skilled, picky eater,

Back story:

Zaria was never intended to be a normal child, before she was even born her mother and father signed her life away. He father Elijah was in the running for district attorney while his wife Mia was a week pregnant with their first child Zaria. He was loosing terribly to the other candidate until one morning a few well dressed men in dark suits came to their home and offered them a deal. They would ensure that Elijah would win the campaign no matter what and he would be free to run his full 4-8 years however he had intended to if they sighed over their unborn child into a experimental trial "Project Splice" they were doing for the government. At first they said no until a few days later their rating tanked even more an they sought them out and quickly sighed without a second thought and a few days later they miraculously won the race. A few days later the first of the trials began. The first stage was a series of classified in-utero injections for the first five months of pregnancy. The contents of the injections were a cocktail of Electric eel and Horned desert viper DNA. Mia received the injections once every two weeks for the first five months of pregnancy from her appointed live in doctor who worked in the project, during the rest of her term she was confined to their home and yard. On the night of October 31st she was born their daughter seemed fairly normal at first all aside from two little lines on her cheek bones and a large blackish looking birthmark near the end of her tail bone. All was fine and everyone from the project seemed very disappointed until the little girl opened her eyes, all four of them. Four beautiful deep blue eyes lacking any sclera and with pupils like a serpent. The doctor and the two agents who were present seemed extremely pleased and immediately swept her out of her mothers arms and into the kitchen to take blood sample and weigh and measure her thoroughly to add to her file. One of the agents stayed with the parents while the other one made calls in the hallway to his superiors reporting the success. At the time she was the 23rd successful case in the program. The family was then informed that since Zaria was a success from here on four agents would remain close to the house at all times and a designated doctor would be set for frequent visits. For the sake of making things easier the family was to acknowledge the doctor as a aunt for when Zaria got older. Also that Zaria was going to be reported as a stillborn child so she would have no record of existing and as such was never to be allowed to be seen by anyone else or be allowed outside. The parents reluctantly agreed as it was either that or she would be removed and placed directly into their facility to be raised with other successful children, though they preferred her be raised in a domestic environment for their research. As Zaria grew small little blackish purple horns grew from her forehead and locks of rich brown hair grew with them. She played and grew much like any other child, but a part of her was always suppressed being schooled by book at home and never being able to step outside or have friends took its toll. When she was around two years old little Zaria started to grow a small tail from what they thought was originally a birthmark. Her parents hid the tail from the agents as long as they could since they didn't take much interest in her since they said she didn't express many attributes from the experiment so their wouldn't be as much to learn from her as the others. So they hid the quickly growing tail until one day when she was four the doctor Zaria's "aunt" came to give her a routine examination and found the growing tail on the little toddler. Upon further examination her tail was able to light up with a blue streak down the center on both sides and produce a electrical charge when she became distressed. Zaria was immediately removed from the home. Her parents threatened to tell everyone what they were doing and had done. They simply retorted while Zaria was carried screaming out the door was "Go ahead we will leave no trace and when they are done looking for proof not only will you be ruined but you will loose your job for rigging votes to win the election. If not you might at least get locked into a nut house." They said before leaving not even packing a thing up for the distraught child than the cloths she had on her. Zaria was whisked away to their main facility tucked away 50 miles from the nearest town in Montana. She spent the next few years living in a cell and being taken for daily tests with other kids, things weren't to terrible she was thought to be a low class mutated subject until she got older and her electrical abilities developed more. When she was about 8 yrs old some of the other children started to get really sick, the doctors and agents were panicking they said they were breaking down. Over the next week and a half Zaria woke to another dead kid in her cell block it broke her and she cried every time as they were the closest thing she had to friends in that place since the doctors never talked to any of them directly. She woke up every night screaming from nightmares that she was going to die next, but it never happened. Once she was around 10 years old they started in on extreme psychical training, sparring, boxing, running laps, and swimming laps until her and the remaining last three kids from what they started calling A-series were exhausted to the point of collapse. That years they had to get a new physical trainer cause he worked two of the other kids to death. Her and the other girl made it together until she was 15 and she gave up and ripped stripes from her mattress and hung herself in her cell. After that all efforts in training were doubled down onto the remaining A-series child they moved onto working her tail muscles to be a robust weapon as well as giving her a custom fit rubber cover that locked around her waist for when she wasn't permitted to "play" with her electricity after she almost killed a guard for being rude. Over the years she just grew grumpy and dull wishing for a better life outside of the walls and her rare time in the courtyard. She lives alone in the cell block now and has since she was 15 the only thing she owns is a lava lamp cause they thought it would help calm her rages. When all she actually wants is to be really outside or to have a friend but she can't imagine ever getting out by herself or ever actually getting close to anyone again. Though a bit of her did spark at the words she over heard about a B-series being moved into the facility soon.