


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Raes 'Raze'






  1. Danse is rarely seen wearing a frown, though this is more out of a desire to benefit others than his merely being a decidedly happy person. As a perfectionist he will never allow himself to present himself as any less, and in his estimation the least he can do is offer others the compassionate, serene smiles that he often wears in an almost absent fashion. Yet he can be rather awkward with emotions- Danse can put up a front of being suave and empathetic but silently panics whenever the subject is brought up. Partly because his own sanity and emotional stability is held together by three fraying threads and sheer force of will. Crying people are his kryptonite. He's more likely to order someone to stop crying than he is to attempt to comfort them- He's kind of terrible at the 'comforting' thing. Danse masquerades as a serene, levelheaded person and the perfect older brother and for his part, he really does try. Yet he's naturally manipulative and just a touch too fond of having control. Power. Authority- Everything a 'hero' should be more wary of.

  1.  Danse can be overprotective due to perceived failures in his past, and is prone to taking on every burden he can- No matter how painful or draining, so that others don't have to. His kindness is genuine, and he will go out of his way for any and everyone due to a slightly unhealthy Hero Complex. There's fighting honorably, fighting dirty, and just plain fighting. Danse does all three depending on the circumstances and his level of ire. As level a leader as he tries to be, Danse is impatient and prone to fits of fiery, destructive temper. He rarely apologizes as he tries to ignore all of his faults and flaws in favor of continuing the illusion that he's perfect. Danse knows, on some level, that he isn't, however. He vacillates between praising himself and self-flagellation with worrying intensity.
  2. He can also be reckless and impulsive but simultaneously too smart for his own good- Meaning he can usually clean up his messes or get himself out of a situation that he previously made worse.
  3. Terrible homemaker though he really wants to be one- Horrible at cooking and cleaning and everything to do with it but tries So Hard. His younger sibling does the chores out of pity. He's prone to flirting but somehow oblivious when it comes to romance.

  • Eyeliner gets bolder the angrier he gets