


8 years, 1 month ago


fReAkY 4 Life - Dorian Electra

"I created this world, you cannot keep me here."

name: Jaxx
gender: Agender (They/It)
race: Unknown
orientation: Pansexual
relationship status: Open

It is unknown what species Jaxx is, they are very powerful with the ability to create portals through time and space. They can travel through the multiverse. It can also shapeshift into anything at will and seemingly summon whatever they like out of thin air.

Their biggest weakness is their inability to keep track of the portals they open and the fact their emotions greatly effect their abilities, often causing unexpected consequences.


Jaxx is eccentric and known for their love of causing chaos for fun. They hate being bored and alone, seemingly afraid of being lost in their own thoughts. They are known to some as a helpful deity and others as a being of pure evil. It can be sadistic one moment and loving the next. They have frequent mood shifts depending on the day.

Though through all of this, Jaxx is very loyal to those they consider close friends and their lovers. It can be overprotective and a bit selfish, they can go into a rage if the ones they care about are hurt. They are willing to destroy the universe itself and damn all those that live in it to save a single person that they love.

  • Chaos
  • Fashion
  • Pranks
  • Boredom
  • The Gods
  • Loneliness

  • Jaxx likes to whore their way around the multiverse, often in many relationships and entanglements
  • Jaxx LOVES Rose flavored things.
  • They may or may not have had a hand in several significant events in the multiverse.
Design Notes

  • Even though they can change their body into anything, they never have breasts or nipples.
  • 3 eyes, purple-ish skin and horns are usually always present.
  • Jaxx's height can change but is usually around 5'8

Jaxx can make themselves look like anything or anyone. Their signature look is usually humanoid with purple skin, asymmetrical horns in a magenta tone, three eyes, claws and fangs.

Jaxx never has sex organs unless they are having or planning on having sex.


The Beginning

Nobody, not even Jaxx themselves, knows the precise circumstances of their creation or how they came into existence. The very first recollection Jaxx possesses is of merely existing, as if awaking in a void in an instant without any understanding of their past.

Some say that Jaxx is the product of ancient cosmic forces, born from the collision of celestial energies. Others believe that they emerged from the collective dreams and imaginations of sentient beings, coalescing into a tangible form of existence.

After Awakening

Within the vast multiverse they began to cause rifts and tears into the fabric of the universe for fun. This caused chaos as different universes began to collide and merge. Soon Jaxx created a universe where they began to put in things they found most interesting and a new society and world was created unintentionally.

Current Events

After realizing they had made a small universe due to their carelessness of leaving it's portals open, they begin to search for and close the portals. During their efforts they meet many people they would eventually consider close friends, most seeking refuge and a fresh start anywhere but their current world.


Kahal (Anubis) Romantic

Jaxx and Kahal met when Jaxx first entered the realms of gods. They were curious to see what so called gods would be like.

They met Kahal when he was at his most powerful and was actively recruiting more worshippers and concubines to grow his influence. Jaxx thought it'd be fun to fuck a god and seduced Kahal.

While the two to the outside eye seem to have an odd relationship dynamic it is a well known fact that Kahal and Jaxx care greatly for one another. When Kahal began to lose his worshippers and influence, it was through Jaxx's help he was able to keep his property and powers, unlike some other minor gods who were either stripped of their power or disappeared entirely.

In present time, Jaxx is now Kahal's most influential worshipper and lives with him full time. They built a pocket dimension near the realm of the gods so it would be easier on them to travel between their two favorite places.

Jaxx tends to leave home for long periods of time but Kahal does not tend to worry to much. But if anything ever happens to Jaxx, Kahal can instantly tell due to their strong connection.

Ara Edrea Valdis Best Friend

Jaxx met Ara when they were traveling the different realms and they came across a universe where the beings also had the ability to create tears in the fabric of space and time to visit other realms, though at a much weaker level. This is where they discovered the faerie species.

Jaxx was intrigued by Ara’s political struggle and spent time with the faerie who showed them the ways of their world. Eventually they agreed to help Ara escape their realm to avoid death from her tyrannical mother, the queen.

Name relation

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