Arin Morrison



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Arin Morrison

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120 lb

Arin is close friends with Unknown (in a brotherly sense) and with Serika. He's from the middle ages in a fantasy setting and is a vampire. Vampires are called "parasites," and are killed off because they're thought to be bloodthisty monsters despite the fact that they don't need human blood. He's the son of a King and a Queen who tried to hide him and his identity, but people found out and tried rioting. 


Arin's a very kind person who's focus is just to do the "right" thing (even though his perception on intense situations can become skewed very easily). He can become flustered easily as well, even though he tries to hide it in order to appear more orderly and assertive. In his free time, he spends time thinking and planning-- despite the fact that the more time he spends doing this, the more warped his ideas become. He's great at cooking even though he can't eat any of the food, and plays a mean lute. He also is a bit of a romantic, though he won't be able to find a partner easily due to it being the middle ages and him being homosexual (and because story-related symbolism).

On top of it all, at the end of the day, he enjoys the simple things in life despite coming from royalty. Due to him running away from home at an early age, he's less educated than people of high status but more educated than the general public. Him and Serika get along well due to her high education and him with the willingness to learn. 

*Due to him being a vampire, he has white pupils and reflective eyes