Alex Aguilar



5 years, 5 months ago


disregard literally EVEEYTHING below its edgy cringe and i'm rewriting him. he'll also get a redesign because i was complete ass at designing humanoids at the time of making this fucker

an asshole who works at a coffee shop. he only became a hero (if you can even call him that) because he gets paid EXTREMELY well by an unknown source. he would probably do evil shit if someone paid him more than what he gets rn. he only does stealth missions bc he's super weak and can't take people head-on. he's a noodle so he has a scarf that doubles as a weapon. all the dark blue parts on his suit are super sticky. his webs are golden bc he was bitten by a golden orb weaver.

also, he's good at card tricks. his memory is great but he's a fucking idiot

his powers are all the basic spider-man ones. he has a few unique ones tho! he has poisonous fingertips (puts gloves on at work so he doesn't kill random people) and a poisonous bite. he also has mind control powers (kinda weak tho). it only works when he puts his hands on the person's head.

loves bananas :)