Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Some of my characters may deal with heavy and/or uncomfortable topics, such as:

Body Horror





Drug/alcohol use


And Others

All individual profiles will have a warning for the heavier stuff, but for your own safety, user discretion is advised

And as a mandatory disclaimer: I am not my characters, and I do not condone most of these things in real life. Any attempt to shame, attack or degrade me will be met with a very well-deserved block

Before You Interact:

If you are any of these below, it might be best if you do not interact with me. I try to be civil as much as I can, but if it's a dealbreaker for you, just block me and move on.

  • Anti
  • Minor
  • Tucute
  • Pro-cancel culture
  • Vegan
  • Neopronoun user
  • Nothing against it I just can't use them

If you want to know more about my opinion on these topics, feel free to DM me. All I ask is for you to be civil, and not to come to me with a condescending tone and try to belittle me and my opinions.

This list might get updated as I am reminder of more topics.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!