Ash (Bio)




Born in the slums 10 years before his his little brother, Ash found little to no enjoyment in life, having to put up with abuse from his mother and rarely catching glimpses of his father.

He wanted more in life, and his chance came when Dot was born. He learned leadership and responsibility, frequently having to barter and fight to feed his brother.

After he escaped and became more stable, he started working on different projects. People deem him ”the handyman” because of all the work he does around camp, once swinging over a chasm with one hand to fix a loose bridge.

He’s incredibly protective of his brother, and gives him as much love as he can, trying to give him as many experiences as he can that they missed as children. He showers him with gifts, tries to teach him life lessons, and is (slowly) introducing him to foods that he's never even seen before. Ash loves to spoil his brother, but fears that maybe he's spoiling him too much. Dot isn't a brat, but he wants to teach him more lessons before he's an adult.


Ash is a relatively good person, never truly finding himself wanting to harm anyone. However he frequently finds himself in unwanted situations because of the people he accidentally finds himself with, giving them love and support despite their crimes. He’s engaged to a murderer, his brother aided in 3 disappearences and reduced multiple police officers to ashes, etc.

He just wants the best for his friends, no matter the cost. No matter what he has to do, as long as he doesn't have to directly involve himself with what's happened in the past. While he's afraid, he hopes that he'll begin to understand the reasoning behind their actions.

But he retains his smile and chill attitude throughout it all, despite the odds.

He always seems to know what he's doing, but for the most part he never,, ever d o es- try not to break his confidence. It's essential to him.

Ash also tends to be quite stubborn. In fact, half of the time he gets himself into trouble is because of this trait. As determined as he is, he tends to put it towards the wrong goals, making it difficult for him to get things completely done.

That drive is also used for building though, and he's quite gifted at putting things together. He always has a toolkit on him, just in case he needs it. In fact, his favorite gift is things to add to his collection of tools. He's quite like Lucifer and Herring that way. While he's not entirely into engineering, he does love new materials to work with and mess around with, since he doesn't get the chance to do so all that often.

Ash is a halfie, which is half demon half human. However, most assume him to be a dud since he does not outwardly display any abnormal traits nor powers.

He has the power to bend his own shadow, but it’s essentially useless.

Ash is TECHNICALLY the rightful heir to the throne of hell, and his dreams reflect the sheer magnitude of his connection to the depths. However, he never expressed interest in the throne, and therefore was not deemed suitable for the job.


Ash Herring








Shadow bend

Good traits

- Helpful

- Practical

- Chill

- Friendly

- Loving

- "Confident"

Bad traits

- Vicious on occasion

- Protective

- Overworks himself

- Disorganized

- Impatient

- Sarcastic


- Working

- His husband (Aug)

- Strong teas

- Scenic places

- Cuddling

- Validation


- Train whistles

- Deaths

- Family getting hurt

- Danger

- Being overwhelmed

- Being underwhelmed