


5 years, 5 months ago


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Asim's Profile

Name: Asim

Gender: Male

Age: 21 (Current RP Age 27)

Race: Human

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Fit
...Body Fat Low/Medium
...Muscle Medium

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: Keeps his long golden brown hair lossly polled back and only does more with it when he has to attend formal events. he is often seen in something that shows his chest and with shades of red.

Job/Role: Prince, later Sultan of Valenlun


Asim's childhood is not a plesent one for him to remember. At first both his parents loved him and his father thought the world of his son, but around when he was ten his father's started to withdraw from his son. Asim was not getting as big and strong as he wanted his son and hire to be. The more time past and the less Asim lived up to this demand his father had the more the sultan ignored the young prince and the more cruel he became.

Asim mother loved him no matter what and did as much as she could for her son when his father turned on him. The truth was she was not the noble laid. the sultan had been lead to believe. She had been the daughter to servants of the noble family, be in their journal to Valenlun a sandstorm to the lives of her parents and the noble families daughter. So they had taken her in as their own and she married the sultan. Asim mother told him this and to never repeat it.

But one day when it was fourteen and his father had yelled at him and beat when he was not doing well with the sword Asim brought it up and unknown to both the sultan heard the truth. Shortly after this the Sultana fell ill and for 3 years was she was very sick and her she never improved. Asim's mother died when he was 17 and left him with a father that despised him and would belittle and abuse his son whenever he could.

Asim took to taking equipment to his room to train himself and studied at night even when his father stopped giving him tutoirs. He figured out how to use other large size and strenght to his advantage and through them off their ballance. He did this all for his mother, to end his father's crulity.

When Razeen arrived at the castle and was given to Asim as a slave the prince knew there was more to this man than he was telling and planed to use him to get his father to reconize he was strong enough to rule. But Asim fell for the man in the procces, even when he learned he was an assassin sent in to try and kill his father.

After much training and more hardships Razeen had to save the prince from his father tring to kill him and Asim learned the the sultan had posioned the Sultana when he heard the truth. Asim fled with Razeen this the assassin's hide out and after making plans and new allies Asim took the kingdom from his father and killed the sultan himself.


Personality Traits
Loving, Protective, Smart,
Unsure of himself, Feels he is week, Self Blame

Asim started off very cocky and confident, he was trying to prove he was not week and able to rule to others, despite his fathers belittling him. He trained himself hard and started to grow used to pain and able to ignore most pain easily. He had confidence then to take over the kingdom for his mother and fix what his father did, he had a goal.

But learning the through of wh his mother died and then having killed his own father started to have damaging effects on his mind. He become sultan and started ot fix what his father had done when that was done his goal was gone. Asim used Razeen as a way to cop but there was magic at work trying to drive him made and turn him into his father. Even after they fix it Asim mind was a bigger mess.

He now blames himself for both his parents deaths thinking if he was stronger he could have saved them. He does not want to loss his family no and fears that more than anythin else. He can not see himself as strong anymore do matter what other say or he tries. His mind has been missed with and near broken from years of abuse from his father and then the stone that tried to drive him mad.

Relationships with other OCs

Razeen: The assassin the Asim has fallen for, and would have given up being sultan for him too in the begining. Even now with all they been though Razeen making him blush and feel embarred, but has also mading Asim feel he can only submit to the other and give Razeen all the power in their relastionship. With few glimps of it for himself Asim had accepted this and figured Razeen was just not a man to let someone else take him, till Varin showed up. Increasing his unsecure feelings and loss of power. He is a sultan he should not feel that and it messes with him more.

Loves his family and Razeen
His people and kingdom
The Spring in his palace
Learning new things

Being Teased
Being looked down on
Anyone rude to his wife Miki or son Kaalm
Razeen's actions at times
Varin for gaining so much love from Kaalm and Razeen (Makes him feel less important and not good enough)
Feeling he has no power, (Razeen does this to him without knowing)

Knows how to through big opponetes off balance.
Very smart

Not very large
His mental state