


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Talin

Age: 29

Height: 6' 5" (195cm)

Weight: 193lbs ( 13.8stone/ 87.5kg)

Race: Might be a Tiefling

Appearance: Long raspberry (dyed) hair, reaches her hips and is almost always braided into a single loose braid along her head and down to the tips. When it isn't dyed her hair is deep dark coffee brown with whispers of white streaks through it. Rounded ears. Black skin; warm dark brown with Vitiligo along her upper back across the backs of her shoulders. Lilac eyes, slit pupils. Full lips, and straight teeth. Straight medium/large nose. One set of ear piercings on the lobe and one rook on the right. Between a C and D cup. Currently no tattoos(that we know of). Two short, sharp-pointed golden devil horns on her forehead. One long thin, slightly tapered tail with long caligraphy-brush-like fur on the end; dark coffee brown with stray bits of off-white strands peeking through.

Clothing: Talon-shaped taper gauge earrings, gemstones, smooth and round with a flat top angled edge and etched. Double eyebrow piercing on the right side. Racerback tank tops with gathering behind the shoulders. Short skirts, mid-thigh or higher. Tight fitting skinny jeans in various colors. Choker necklaces paired with long, thin chain necklaces. Always seems to have a notebook tucked in her back pocket or the waistband of her skirt. Vibrant eye makeup without clashing with her outfit, highlight, warm-tone lipstick, thick eyelashes. Oversized hoodies and leggings. Comfortable flat colored bras and boy-shorts underwear. Leather jackets with 'neck' collars. Painted almond shaped fingernails.


  • Loves the sea; the gritty feeling of sand, the whoosh of saltwater air, even the squawk of gulls. But especially seashells.
  • Bright/Glowing; a great friendly personality. Dances to music and hums. Wears vibrant outfits mostly.
  • Libidinous; Not afraid to show off her pervy side, loves to skirt around inappropriate public displays of affection.


Raised in a house of five, has two older brothers. Her aunt helped raise the three of them and lived with her mom.


  • Works as a baker in The Chai Deer; a coffee/tea shop in Veyrafael.
    • The shop has a stained glass storefront and short tables with plush floor cushions to sit in. hanging enchanted wisteria from the ceiling and soft-lit low hanging lights where the sun doesn't reach. The store is cast in an array of greens, reds, purples, peachy pinks and soft champagne-golds when the sun comes through the glass. The glass is shaped to reveal a forest clearing with a tall Stag stood center of it, antlers laden with flowers often used in tea blends.
    • Shop 'symbol' is a dark green deer portrait bust with a lilac colored lotus between its horns.
    • A lofted area above the kitchen, floating staircase leading up to it. A few wall-mounted shelves throughout the shop with books, tea canisters, and Estrae's first french press coffee pot that Talin gave her on their anniversary. This press is carefully placed on the shelf behind the main countertop with a small picture of them sitting together the day before the shop opened, dirty, tired, but happy in front of the stained glass.

More to be developed for her later!