Jade Felior



5 years, 4 months ago


[One of my D&D characters, but this one has no profile to yoink her info from! Oh no!]

Jade is a tiefling warlock who lived the priviledged life of a prosperous merchant's daughter. While young, she was playing in one of her family's store rooms and found an old book, blank of all writing. She was about to put the scruffy looking thing back where she'd found it when it spoke to her: "Make a pact with me and I will bring to you endless knowledge." Jade, enjoying her role as 'little-miss-know-it-all' and wanting it to continue, saw a golden opportunity and made a pact without a second's hesitation.

It was only later that she thought to ask the book its name, which was perhaps for the better, as it could hardly recall - and that was where she came in! It wanted to learn more of itself, and free itself from its parchment confines, and naturally to learn who sealed it away at all. Jade thought this was a very fun idea, and thus began a wonderful friendship, and a harrowing adventure.

Now grown, and having learned what she could of the book from the confines of her own garden, Jade has decided it was time to go on an adventure to learn whatever she can. Maybe, just maybe, her adventures will lead to the most venerable tome coming to recall something usefulĀ for once!

(Below image commissioned on Flight Rising from Lady Nika)
