Pynke Dante




Initial Worth: 40cnd

friendly neighbourhood trapeze artist 

As a young tormented boy growing up, there was a lot of teasing. They say growing up is hard, but in relation to the surname Pynke, it's an understatement. It's not like he never had anyone who cheered him on, though the ones who did either felt guilty or had a personal interest in getting to know one of the "cutest" guys in school. Always being told to keep your head up is hard, but being reinforced with the take it until you make it lectures, on top of the constant "you're not man enough." Forces one into a sort of dissociative state.

The teasing started back in elementary, when even the girls in the class pushed away the colour pink, being told that girls are far too fragile for this world. Girls want to be seen as tough too after all. But being called Pink along with the notion that my family believed that having long hair made people stronger, pushed the teasing more. Until Dante took matters into his own hands and cut off his hair himself. Highschool wasn't any better as he took interest in obstacle courses, acting, and ballet, instead of more aggressive sports like American football. 

Those in his classes learned to support him. Regaining confidence, being needed in a team, he shoved off the insults. His pride glowed, and many of those who were too shy admired him from a distance. He was still teased, although now he was called "Hot Pink" although, it didn't have nearly the same effect as it did when he was younger. 

Thing that no one ever knew, was that Dante had a difficult family life. It wasn't like he was abused or anything like that. His family life was positive, with lots of support, lectures and the occasional punishment. His mother however, fell ill due to breast cancer. Chemotherapies stealing away the hair she loved and cherished so much. Dante often visited her, still looking up to her for guidance. His mother at critical position took a lot of strength to wake up everyday and have faith in those who cared for her. Dante's father, started pushing his son to research more science and technology, having his own interest in helping to stop cancer.

The pressure of so many expectations was stressful, but still withholding his values, he kept a smile on his face. He decided he'd grow out his hair again for his mother, and put his faith in donations to cancer. Being influenced by a circus show he saw when he was younger he decided it would be fun and easy for him to invest his time into being a trapeze artist. The adrenaline, and thrill of new sets and new people set his heart ablaze, and he fell in love with his job and the team of professionals he got the opportunity to associate with. His mother too, surviving her cancer was proud of her son's accomplishments. His father thrilled as well with the positive outcome of their family life, despite the other tragedies of the world. The family still chooses to support finding cures for cancer. Dante chose to dye his hair pink, in support of breast cancer research.