Ambrosia Jerran



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Ambrosia Jerran






Neutral good




Ambrosia was an orphaned Tiefling who was abandoned in the out skirts of the woods as a small child. She was taken in by a Drow Spellsword, Nym Colorara, who was cast out by his clan after he is blamed for the deaths of his troupe during an ambush. Raising Ambrosia, Nym taught her the beauty of the world and how happiness can be found even in times of troubles. Ambrosia grew up happy and strong in the wilds of the world, hunting and training with Nym in the way of the spellsword. Nym was already in his twilight years when he had passed, he had told Ambrosia to live her life to the fullest and his happiest years were living and raising her and that he saw her as his own daughter. Passing with a smile, Ambrosia mourned for months but doesn't allow it to bring her down. After the destruction of Vecna Ambrosia was enamored with the thought of adventuring and fighting evil, so she decided to travel to Tal'dorei to try and meet Vox Machina and learn a bit of what it takes to become a hero.

Ambrosia is a very chipper and bubbly person. She's not the wisest person out there and can even be called gullible. She loves nothing more than a warm meal by a hot fire after a long day of training. She also has a very soft spot for cats and loves playing with strays in the cities she visits. Ambrosia also has a deep understanding of nature and the cycles of life after living with Nym. She undstands that all things have their seasons and even if they pass she should celebrate being able to have witnessed and basked in them rather than mourning their leave. Nym's sword that Ambrosia inherited is made from the metal of a meteor that Nym forged for himself. the blue orb at the end of the handle is a large blue jade that helps channel magical power.