Ichor Loostrife



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Ichor Loostrife


Wizard (Necromancer)




Chaotic Neutral




Ichor is a discredited academic from a prestigeous wizard college. This particular wizard college doubled as a boarding school that took in young children who often continued on to the college portion and branched out to many schools of magic including the heavily judged necromancy. To put herself through college, with no help from her human mother who decided to ship her off to this boarding school to get rid of her, Ichor worked in a butchers shop where she learned the ins and outs of anatomy, disection, and butchery. Ichor's nack and intrinsic curiosity lead her toward this path where she excelled in practice of revival and preservation of the corpses she brings back. Her particular teacher was a stereotypical evil wizard who wished to become a lich and take over the school who she believed wronged her when giving out tenure. On the day that her teacher tried to get Ichor to make a pact with her, a magical pact that would subjugate her and make her a slave to her teacher and possibly a future sacrifice, she plainly said no and left without telling anyone. She ran off deeper and deeper into the forest behind the campus until she reached a strangely swampy area. Deciding to just stay on the strange swampy area Ichor lived quietly and continued practicing her magic. One day finding the exit of swamp she found herself in a completely different place than her prestigious college, a whole kingdom and sea away from her previous home. Reaching town she used her saved money to resupply herself and do a bit of research into her swampy home. Through the many books she purused she found a small passage that caught her eye. "The moving swamp of Ach'alor" it stated, "was a magical swamp that was self sustainable. It was filled with magical creatures and treasures of the many people who tried to find it and inevitably lost themselves to the swamp. The swamp moves through the lay lines and veins of magic that entwine itself throughout the world and the many other planes of existence. While many have lost themselves in the swamp a few have come back through either covered in riches or drained and on death's doorstep. No one knows when the swamp will return or where it will show itself." Closing the book Ichor decided that studying her new magical home would be an excellent new project and maybe she could find a few of those magical creatures to experiment on. Making her way back, it seemed as if the swamp welcomed her back with open arms as the branches almost spread themselves open to hold her.