


5 years, 8 months ago


Neila is a nerdy, daydreamy, meek bunny rat who comes from a large family. She is put in charge of her 7 younger siblings while her parents are away. As much as they get on her nerves, deep down she worries for each one and takes the best care of them. She has a fondness for cleaning/organizing and carries an "emergency tissue" on her at all times. He is a stickler for rules and has a tendency to get irritated and uncomfortable if things aren't to her liking. Everything has to be perfect. She is bullied quite a bit due to her appearance and "goody two shoes" attitude in school. She is not overly timid and at least will attempt to stand up for herself but will probably end up stammering and stuttering. She falls on her best friend Bridgette, who is much better with her words and confidence. When she’s not fussing over her siblings, reading comics or playing video games with her friends, she may be found daydreaming(about boys), possibly to escape the chaos of her home.