The Purgatory Mailman



5 years, 3 months ago


Based on a dream I had when I was on the bus heading home from work

The Purgatory Mailman,
Someone you may see in the in-between of life and death. His area serves as both a waiting room and a mail center.
But what is the mail center for? For those alive who send letters and notes to the afterlife, or vice versa? For those who are stuck inbetween, waiting on something that would help them make that push (or pull)? 

No one knows. 

But the Purgatory Mailman is not a bad fellow. Not in the slightest!
He is happy to help with whatever ails you! If you are lost and not sure where to go, he will gladly look into his archives and see if theres anything to help point you in the right direction. If you just want someone to talk to, he will absolutely sit and listen, or talk your ear off! He can't make you do anything, but he will help you as best as he can to his abilities. 

Never seen below the waist, the Purgatory Mailman is a very kind and handy man that always works behind the counter. 24/7. It doesnt bother him though. It's all he's known and he's content.  

Will fill in more information as I go ~