


5 years, 4 months ago



Silent • Melancholic • Secretive

Duskkit - Duskpaw - Duskfall
24 Moons
11 Inches / 28 Cm
Broad shouldered, strong, massive
Moraly Grey

"Don't underestimate me..."

I made poor choices in my life. Do I regret them? No. Would I do it again? I would do much worse. I am now the monster that I always feared, but the monsters can protect others right? I not just a monster... I am the dusk... So... May Our Dusk Fall




Back Story


Duskkit was born alongside her sister Cinderkit from a senior warrior couple. Her relationship with her sister was great, they would oftenly be seen alongside one another playing in the camp clearing. When they started to get older, Cinderkit started to be friends with some apprentices, that would often exclude her sister Duskkit for a multitude of reasons.

With that, Duskkit stopped being seen in the clearing or even playing with other kits. Despite her mother’s (Webflower) best efforts, Duskkit seemed to lose her shine, becoming more introspective and quiet by every day that passed. It didn’t take too long to other queens to pick up on the kit’s sadness, they would usually try to cheer Duskkit up, but to no avail. Duskkit still loved her sister, but she would almost never talk to Cinderkit, who seemed to only enjoy talking to the apprentices now.

In the days that she wasn’t in the nursery, she was seen entering the elders den, growing quite fond of them, always listening carefully to their stories and advice.


When they were old enough to become apprentices she was entrusted to Lizardheart, and her sister to Timberflame. Lizardheart was seen by the clan as a very harsh tom with sort of a temper. He would often push Duskpaw too hard, despite that, he would often praise her for trying to get better. He tended to be a nice cat to her outside the clans walls, almost as an older brother figure, he was the best cat that she knew, she fully trusted him, telling him about everything she was going through, which he always listened.

It was an understatement telling that he was her only friend in Shadowclan. Going to the apprentices den in the end of the day was almost unbearable, constant teasing until she fell asleep, only to have countless nightmares. Her sister never seemed to see what she was going through, which hurted Duskpaw deeply.

At this stage, Duskpaw started sneaking out of the clan, most of the time going on walks so she didn’t have to sleep and be haunted in her own dreams. At that time, she met a loner called Lost, and constantly sneaked out of the camp to see him. Once she told him that she loved him, he didn’t return her feelings and stopped talking to her. A few days after, her father (Brokenjay) was hit by a monster and died. Duskpaw took it as a harder blow, she was now heartbroken and the only people she could talk was her mother that had retired to the elders den and her mentor.

One night, she had a dream that she had met her father and she asked him to give her a scar over her eye so she could look like him, waking up only to realize she had clawed her own eye. She was taken into the medicine cat’s den, and had her wound treated, as well with a lot of poppy seeds eaten. A few days later she got into a fight with a young warrior called Addertalk, one of her former bullies, ending up giving him a nasty scar on the muzzle. She wasn’t punished seeing he did much worse to her priorly. Her sister tried to scold her for the fight, only to be spitted on the face by Duskpaw that told her she was no sister of her. Lizardheart praised her for the scar she left on the toms face.


The bulling stopped then, most cats wouldn’t even dare to talk to her, which didn’t bother her very much. She got made a warrior a moon early due to saving another warrior in battle, by taking a blow in the chest. The cut was superficial, but still left a scar. She was given the name of Duskfall for hunting from the top of trees dropping down and chasing cats off the territory by suddenly falling from nowhere

One day she met Lost again, chasing him off, making him get hit by a monster. She felt no regret. A few moons later, she was sharing a mouse with Webflower and Cinderblossom told them she was expecting kits with Addertalk, to much of the distaste of her mother and sister.

She gave birth to two she-kits, Duskfall was called in once the medicine cat told her that her sister wasn’t feeling very well. Her last wish was that Duskfall would take care of the kits. Duskfall than called Addertalk to help her out, but he didn’t comply, since he didn’t want to have anything with the kits. It didn’t take her very long to figure out the reason, a she cat called Daisybreeze to tell the whole clan that she was indeed expecting from the tom, something that enraged the dark pelted she-cat, as well as Webflower and the whole nursery.


One night, Duskfall told her mother that she wished that she could make Addertalk feel the same pain that they were feeling, to which her mother replied with a detailed plan to kill and get rid of the bodies of the couple. At first Duskfall was hesitant and disgusted by the idea, but slowly got more opened to it, being moved mostly by her blind rage.

She spent most of the nights digging deep graves in an almost deserted part of Shadowclan’s territory, that her mother told her that the couple would often meet in secrecy when Cinderblossom was alive. She waited for a few moons for the couple to finally go on a strool in the place. Her scent was masked by mint and lavander, as her mother instructed that it could even get rid of the scent of death, so it would be easy to get hers rid. Waiting on top of a tree, she watched as the couple went into her line of sight, like prey.

She dropped down, on top of Daisybreeze’s back, Addertalk could only see a fait desperate look on his mates face, before she fell limp onto Duskfalls sharp grasp. He looked in desbelief at her, almost if she was a ghost, she ripped his throat with her claws, telling him how much she despited him as she saw the life drain from his face.

She shoved their bodies in deep graves she had previously dug, putting leaves and rotting prey on top of it. She quickly cleaned the blood off, walking back to the nursery as if nothing had ever happened. It wasn’t until the next night that the clan started to notice that Daisybreeze and Addertalk weren’t actually coming back. One cat came as far to accuse her of killing both of them, but he was quickly discredited, seeing he was very close to Adderfang and was one of her former bullies. Without a body, a witness or a clue, they quickly forgot of the cats

Webflower in the other hand, died shortly after, telling Duskfall she had done an amazing job, and that Cinderblossom knew from the start of the affair but never had the guts to kill her mate. Now without no one but her nieces, which she named Blossomkit and Briarkit, she spent most of her days in the nursery taking care of them like their mother. She never hid the fact that their mother was her sister, but the girls insisted in calling her mother.

When they became apprentices, she returned to her duties, but would often slip off patrols and hunting parties to see how they were doing. Duskfall has no friends, and it is unknown to the clan if she has any interest on getting a mate or even if she has any ambitions on becoming leader



  • Duskfall's preys are usually either mice or squirrels that she finds easier to catch. Eventually she hunts down doves and trushes
  • Doesn't like to eat the belly meat, eating oftenly only the neck, spine, ribs and limbs of prey
  • Apperantely doesn't have feelings, but is struggling
  • Not very approachable.
  • Won't hesitate
  • Check out her Carrd.co page right here



Blossompaw [ Niece/Adoptive Daughter ]

You remind me so much of her... I hope you don't make her mistakes. You may be loud and obnoxious at times but you're still my little sunshine.


Briarpaw [ Niece/Adoptive Daughter ]

You remind me of my mother, quiet and always a tad bit nervous. You make me smile, even if I don't show it oftenly. You're still my little sunshine.


Cinderblossom [ Sister ]

I still miss you... Even when you forgot about me, I always remembered you... Please wait for me in starclan, will you?


Webflower [ Mother ]

You told me to do something terrible, but I had a choice. Where do we go?


Brokenjay [ Father ]

I carry your scar, I fight just like you, but are you proud of me like I was proud of you?


Lizardheart [ Mentor ]

I love you like a brother that I never had, and I'm sure you love me the same way


Addertalk [ Ex-Brother-in-law ]

You hurted me once, but I killed you twice. No one remembers you now. I wonder if we'll meet both in the place that shall not be named or if I'll look at you from Starclan


Daisybreeze [ Clanmate ]

I feel no regret. My nieces are familyless because of you


Lost [ Ex-friend ]

Now you are truely lost don't you think?

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