Nalin Halpern



5 years, 4 months ago


◥ B A S I C   I N F O ◤

|Name| Nalin Halpern

|Age| 23 |Gender| Cis Male

|Height | Weight| 6'2'' | 180 lbs

|Species| Human |Date of Birth| December 31st

|Nationality| Hoshido 

|Starting Class| Sky Knight

|Weapon| Steel Lance

|Weapon Proficiency| C

|Unique Ability| Vendetta

|Base Stats|  HP| 25 | Str : 11 | Mag: 0 | Skl: 6 | Spd: 9 | Lck: 1 | Def: 6 | Res: 5 | Mov: 12  

◥ P E R S O N A L I T Y ◤ 


The idea of going into a battle and not coming back terrifies Nalin, but he fights despite it. His courage to to fight stems not only from his desire to protect those close to him but also to help make a difference in the battle and hopefully the world. 

He’s typically known around the camp as the fix-it-all man for his persistence to help solve and problem that presents itself; and although he may not be able to fix everything he can at least point someone in the right direction on who can. If something is entrusted to him, he will see it to fruition. 

First and foremost, Nalin is straight to business and sophisticated given any situation. He will always show off an air of maturity due to his rank as retainer. 

 It becomes quickly known to those around Nalin that oblivious is putting the term lightly. His dedicated upbringing has left him completely clueless about most topics generic to his age group. Attempting obscure or perverse humor will only succeed in flying over his head.

|Overtly Biased|
Nalin’s childhood has left nothing but a seething bias to higher ranking Nohrians such as knights and nobility. As such he will be quick to hostility to any who fall under such a category. He does, however, have a soft spot for lesser Nohrian folk such as villagers or servants. 

|Hero Complex| 

Nothing stands out more than Nalin’s self-justice. His grand scheme of the world and how he has to save it keeps him from seeing more than a black and white picture at most times. He refuses to allow others to get in the way of what he deems right and for the better good of the army. 

|Likes| Marie (His Pegasus) | Tea | Reading | Organization | Renge | 

|Dislikes|  Disorganization | Obnoxious and overt hyperactivity | His frequent Migraines | Spicy Food | Nohrians | Styx |

◥ H I S T O R Y ◤ 

Most stories begin with parents and a home one was born into. Nalin, however, knows neither of those things to this day. His parents embody hazy silhouettes with just out of grip details in his memory as does most of his childhood. Nalin knows only what he was told; that he was sold by his parents at the tender age of six for ten gold pieces. Practically a gift, as his master would remind him on occasion.

His earliest concrete memories all pertained to the Nohrian Manor where he lived along with the Noble that purchased him. He was thrown into harsh training from the get go to eventually become the Lord's squire. His treatment at the manor was cruel by enforcing copious amounts of labor with borderline fatal punishments for failure. Life was extremely hard, but the Manor was all he knew. Nalin found solace in wherever and whomever he could--be it a secret spot in the closet that only he could fit or a young dancer that quickly became his friend. His younger self would cling desperately to these small rays of happiness, just as he did with the hazy memory of his family from before. This manner of life was commonplace for Nalin until his world flipped around eight years later.

He was accompanying his lord on a trip far from the Manor when the group was ambushed. Numerous soldiers were slain before the lord fled the battle ground, Nalin carelessly left behind for dead. IN the aftermath he was discovered by a Kinshi Knight that was part of the enemy troop. Instead of killing him, the woman took pity on the small boy and harbored him in against her general's wishes. Instead of being tied up and interrogated, his wounds were tended to and his prodding questions answered. It was then that the young teen learned of what circumstances lead him to this point: Nalin and his Noble master were attacked when caught in an espionage plot on Hoshidan soil, he was currently in the company of that very Hoshidan army, and the boy had very little choice of what he could do next.

He was offered begrudgingly by the rest of the platoon, a home with the Kinshi Knight that saved him. By all accounts, Nalin was saved from the terrible life he had lived up till then. However, he childishly begged to follow the Noble back in hopes of rescuing his friend as well. His request was swiftly denied on the basis that the Nohrian Noble's lack in educational training, an effort to thwart escape, left Nalin with little to no knowledge of the outside world--let alone where this manor could be in relation to their current location.

It took him weeks to warm up to Renge, the woman who formally adopted him. When he finally did, she offered him a long yet workable solution to his dilemma: join the Hoshidan Army and fight to prevent situations like his from ever happening to another Nohrian peasant again. He agreed , deciding to set his past behind him and strive under his new leadership. His new goal of changing Nohr from the outside firmly set in his heart. Renge recommended him to become one of Tomoyo's Retainers,  which is a position he holds dearly to this day.

|Voice| Joshua Sasse

◥ T R I V I A  

■ Nalin has a vague memory of having a sister, although he has a hard time remembering any details or if the memory holds any solidity.
■ It is generally known that Nalin is of Nohrian origin. His adoption by Renge was a huge source of gossip back when he first joined the Hoshidan Army. As such he is not looked highly upon by most. And although it took years for the livelihood of the gossip to die down, the information is still passed around casually to this day as a stigma for Nalin to forever wear.
■ When Nalin first joined the army he was tested with a Kinshi for compatibility to follow in his adopted mother's footsteps. However, it was revealed quickly that he was too weak-willed to handle the sacred beast and was instead transferred to become a Pegasus Knight.
■ The Krest on his armor is a slightly altered version of his adopted families'. It pays respect to Renge who raised and Tomoyo who he loyally serves.