Tikam Feriam (NFS!)



5 years, 7 months ago


Tikam Feriam
Fox • Cutie • Bi-\Demisexual
 Tikam is one out of 3 Royal childeren in a kindom where the ones born into royalty where blessed with a gift to protect and rule over their kingdome. Tikams magic comes from the sun itself. His orbs are as hot as the sun and can be formed to his liking. Once he used an orb it'll dissapear for the time beeing and tikam has to sunbath to regenerate them. So much to his Magic. His backstory is a lil darker then his orbs ever get. One of his 3 Siblings Nero wasnt happy about his lil brothers existance and the way he always got most of the attantion. Nero then one day set up a ritual with his Star magic and send tikam into another dimension in his sleep. Tikam woke up in a snowy forrest and was destinyed to die there of starvation. But ofc the Sun cant set yet and he was saved by a soon close and loved companion. His future best freind in the whole wide world Keith. And together they'll do their best to get tikam back home..... (Keith can be found in Tikams links)
• Bunnies
• Cotton Candy
• Keith
• Bubble Tea
• Butterflys
• The Cold
• Night
• Yelling
• Hatred
• Lagre People