01. Mary Shelley



5 years, 4 months ago



Mary Shelley




Race: Human [Gifted]
Role: Mercenary [Former] | Doctor
Alias: Miss Mary, Bloody Mary, Victoria Frankenstein
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'7" | 170.18cm
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Marital Status: Dating


  • Order of the Clock Tower [Former]
  • The Shelley Mercenary Duo [Former]
  • The Port Mafia


  • Anyone intent on hurting Adam
  • Order of the Clock Tower
  • The Guild



Mary is a very precarious woman. She's always up to something and has some sort of scheme up her sleeve. She shows an avid interest in the health and well-being of those around her. She is genuinely concerned for others and often says so, saying that her Hippocratic Oath compels her to help those in need. She is very well-mannered, rarely speaking ill of someone or even showing ill will towards others. This would seem like a stark contrast compared to how she's perceived.

Mary is perceived as someone who has a slightly morbid obsession with death. She wants to prove that simply because someone's physical form has to be discarded -- either through sickness, wounds, their own mortality etc. -- doesn't mean that that individual is deceased. The idea of "passing on" is a concept she's always fighting. Whether the soul of someone is tethered to something or nothing when the physical form is cast aside, is something she does want to prove. She does understand that all life is precious but it does contradict with her mindset about why people must die. She found a partial understanding through creating her "monster", Adam. She understood why life has such a high value to it and why people are as unique as they seem.

All in all, Mary's odd nature is very mystifying towards those around her. From how she carries herself to how she perceives the concepts of life and death. It adds to her odd nature and many people do believe that she means well, but other's just write off her peculiarities as abnormal.


Mary Shelley was born in London, England. She lived a very luxurious lifestyle growing up and showed an avid interest in medicine. She was very interested in learning about why people died and some people lived. Especially after her mother passed away. She went to various schools, for educational studies and to become a medical doctor as well. She received her medical license but was regarded as a very unusual person because of her ideas on the after life. She strongly believed that people continued to live even discarding their physical bodies, that they were stuck without a physical form to claim. In truth, she just wanted to bring her mother back to life. Both the understand what passing away felt like and because her mother meant the world to her. Her beliefs were met with criticism and shame as she was portrayed as an outcast. Although, she simply felt all the more determined to prove her worth towards the others. That they were wrong.

Once she learned about her "gift", she was able to attempt to create life. She buried herself in research about how to bring back the dead, collecting body parts and all sorts of ingredients to successfully breathe life into something. After a particularly stormy night, she was able to do so. Although she was upset at her failure at first, seeing her creation come to life filled her with excitement. She's yet to successfully create another living creature like her "monster". In fact, even after she honed her skills, she hasn't been able to recreate her initial experiment. Something that both troubled and upset her. She could rebuild Adam, her "monster", at any time and even improve upon him. She did so, making him near indestructible with immense strength. After hearing about her gift, her brother, Percy, invited her to join the Order of the Clock Tower. She learned how to hone her gift and how to work with Adam as well. During her time with the Order of the Clock Tower, she went under the moniker of "Victoria Frankenstein".

Sometime later, she and her brother defected from the Order and went on their own. The left because of their unnerving curiosity towards death and it irritating their companions. So they left and became freelance mercenaries together. It sated their curiosity towards death and expanded their horizons as well. Mary found herself looking forward to making a companion for Adam so he wouldn't be alone. However, she was unsure if she could conjure another version of him but was curious if she could. Often talking about "finding the correct parts" for her to do so -- although she was certain she was leading Adam on and felt pained by that eventuality. Their services were mostly employed by The Guild and were hired to go after the Armed Detective Agency.

Mary met Atsushi Nakajima and Doppo Kunikida, acting like a lost tourist. She was grateful for their assistance and went on to inform her brother what she learned. The following day, she and Percy attacked the Armed Detective Agency's office. She used Adam to destroy the office building and lure them out for her brother to fight them. Once they were in the open, Percy used his gift to fight them all and combine his power with Adam. The battle was lengthy but ended as soon as Dazai Osamu appeared to stop them. The pair withdrew but reappeared sometime before The Guild appeared. The siblings warned them about Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald and his machinations, adding that the Armed Detective Agency was apart of them in some way. They apologized for attacking them and helped with the repairs before leaving once again.

After leaving the Armed Detective Agency, Mary and Percy went their own ways. Feeling as if they were unable to continue their path together. Mary was elated that her brother had thought so and agreed to it, expressing the same concerns. Mary stayed in Japan and traveled to learn more about medicine, wanting to dedicate her life to saving lives instead of taking them. She felt like she learned nothing since leaving the Order of the Clocktower and only caused pain. She told Adam about how felt and that she wasn't sure if she could even create a partner for him. Feeling like she had let him down, he simply denied that he even wanted that. Being in both her and Percy's company gave him the companionship he sought wanted to learn how to heal people as well.

Mary continues to seek her studies to help people, keeping Adam with her and as her companion. Wanting to show him what life is like and how to help it.




[ Mother | Deceased ]
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Percy Shelley

[ Older Brother ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.


[ Creation | Companion ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia


  • Golem of Destruction: ( 云回しヨ而 口乍 コ巳己了尺立亡了亜口ん, Hakai no gōremu)
    • Mary's "gift" allows her to breathe life into the undead. She was only able to do this once, however, and uses a doll medium to bring her creation to her side. Adam, her creation, is very protective towards her and keen in destroying whoever is bothering her or her brother. Adam has immense strength and is near indestructible. He has some weaknesses but most people that fight him aren't able to execute them since he's seen in combat with Percy Shelley.
    • Adam is nearly indestructible. His vulnerabilities are being overpowered by consecutive or powerful chained attacks, his doll being destroyed, and even fire. He's terrified of Percy's flames, even knowing his flames won't harm him. Fire and lightning terrify him and he will drop his guard if confronted with it -- often cowering in fear.
    • Adam has superhuman strength and endurance, and moves a relatively quick speed. He only walks and never runs. He can't feel pain and learns from his mistakes -- rarely letting the same trick affect him twice.
    • Despite being known as a "living tank", Adam actually doesn't like fighting. He finds life to be precious -- more so than Mary had. He's actually pained by hurting people or even thinking of inflicting harm towards them.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Spending time with Adam
  • Learning more about different types of medicine
  • Looking for "parts" to help Adam create Eve
  • Reading romantic novels
  • Seeing Adam in pain or hurt
  • The idea of failing Adam
  • Anyone speaking poorly about Adam or Percy
  • Dried food


  • Mary responds to either "Mary" or "Victoria"
  • She can speak several languages but prefers German and English if she has to pick one
  • Mary is able to summon Adam, her creation, whenever she pleases. Adam's often at her side whenever she's walking around -- so he's able to experience the same things she does. He adores cats and tries to bring strays home with him
  • Adam's appearance and abilities are similar to that of the T-Virus, or Tyrant, variants from Resident Evil.
  • Her birthday is on August 30th
  • Her blood type is O-
  • She dyed the tips of her hair grey in an attempt to bleach the color after she cut it. A friend helped her make it look better after she gave up trying to do it herself. So basically, it just goes from black to gray in a faded look.
