


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






5' 9''




Pansexual (usually prefers females)




Photographer / Captain and Pivot of Roller Derby team, "Toxic Haze"


photography, cameras, photoshopping pictures, going new places, fashion, modelling, being in charge, telling people what to do, winning, being right, coffee, caffeine, roller blading, skating, competition, sports, exercise, staying fit/healthy, energy drinks, salad, the internet, action movies, dark colors, night, shopping, tea, planning, preparations, math, science, cooking, being in the spotlight


losing, being told what to do, being wrong, criticism, being inactive, staying still for too long, junk food, unhealthy food, being unprepared


she is derby rivals with Penny, owned by SwirlyMaajiks on dA, she is secretly a math and science genius


Celeste is very competitive and active. She loves sports, but specifically, she has a passion for roller derby. She eventually began her own team (Toxic Haze) and competes regularly in competitions. Because of her drive to win, she pushes herself and her teammates to do their best, but always tries to make sure not to overwork them. Outside of roller derby, she spends lots of time exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she owns multiple cookbooks with healthy recipes and always likes to cook when people come over. She likes going to the mall to shop with her friends and is very into fashion as well. As a hobby and job, she is a photographer and offers to take photos for multiple occasions. She owns lots of different cameras and camera lenses and always has one on her in case she finds a perfect photo opportunity. She will do anything to get a perfect photo, and takes lots of them to make sure at least one comes out perfect. She will even get into uncomfortable and awkward positions to snap a photo, such as lying on the ground in public or cramming into a small space. Personality wise, Celeste is a perfectionist with everything she tries and does not respond well to criticism. She is very analytical and will observe situations from a very logical standpoint. She likes to be prepared for anything and will spend lots of time planning something. She is also very bold, and will stand up for her friends if they need her. However, she is a bit snobby and picky about other people and will often look for flaws in their personality or work, even though she hates criticism herself.

Fungicakes (c) Pocky-Babe