


5 years, 7 months ago


Blue Moon Shadow


~Number of Tails~

~Current job / role~
Undecided, still new to this strange new existence

A gentle soul with very few angry bones in her body. Quiet, though not timid in the least and more than capable of defending herself should the need arise. Loves to wander at night especially during the Wintertime.
Is always there if others need someone to look toward for comfort, or to listen.

Tsukiko was the youngest in her litter, with four older brothers who guarded her fiercely when their parents left for any reason. In turn she  would be there to care for their bruised pride or the tiny injuries they would gather just from roughhousing or exploring. She was barely entering her new adult life when a harsh flood drove the family from  their den and scattered them. Her final memory is of gazing up at a bright shining moon colored by the rich blue of the rains.

~During the Dream~
Tsukiko  doesn't remember much, but her brightest memory is of her sweet mother telling her old legends and stories about the sun and moon, how they could never meet. She felt a connection to the lonely moon, who's rare blue light shot a pang of sadness through the young kit. So she wanted to shoulder some of that sadness, in hopes that the normally gentle white light of the moon could shine always, and the sad blue glow of loneliness would fade with her companionship.

~After the Dream~
This new life was a strange one. At first she couldn't understand the new changes, this new strength. Slowly she came to understand, and so she decided for herself:
The Blue Moon would never be alone again. Not with her faithful shadow keeping the blue light at bay.