


5 years, 4 months ago




  • Name Button
  • Age 22
  • Sex Female
  • Species Monster
  • Height 4'5
  • Weight: 100lbs


She does what she wants, when she wants. She can be extremely mischievous, but extraordinarily clumsy. She can be playful at times, silly, bubbly and a bit air-headed; this can change suddenly to frustration and anger. Sometimes she can be very selfish and extremely possessive, especially when it comes to her belongings; sometimes people.


(Natural/Passive) Born with the ability to transform at will, it uses less magical energy than it would otherwise. She can remain in a constant transformation even while sleeping, as her regenerative abilities restore her magic more quickly than the transformation can drain it; that is, if it's a small transformation.

Examples being, a tiny creature such as a common house cat or a child.

Larger or more complex transformations take a great deal of her magic, so she's unable to do many transformations back to back or she gets tired out and completely loses her form, shifting into her Semi-Solid state, sometimes her Slime state if she's too exhausted. She is unable to transform again until her magic recovers, usually taking at least twenty minutes to take a small animal form, half a day to take a normal sized humanoid form.

(Natural/Passive) Her body constantly regenerates its cells, it's unknown to most if she can die, because her body de-solidifies and reforms upon destruction, as long as her "core" is in tact. Her core is similar to a normal creature's heart. Except her core is shielded and protected with a set amount of magical energy, it can not be broken or seen by most creatures/species unless she runs out of magical power. She can also freely move her core around her slime-like insides, protecting it if she's attacked.

(Natural/Passive) She can eat and digest nearly anything. Her teeth are strong enough to bite clear through metal and bone as if it were a piece of cheese. Her stomach lets her digest things quickly and she is able to break down foreign substances that she normally wouldn't be able to. Such as certain metals, bones, fur/hair, poisons, large amounts of alcohol etc. Due to her natural abilities, she can also eat much more than a normal person by increasing the size of her stomach and body for more room.

Has strength and speed as a grown man.

Her sense of smell is more sensitive than a human's. She finds it hard to focus on one scent for long, always getting distracted by another.


Enchanted Bag 
A beloved gift from her father Armand.
The bag is directly connected to her magical signature.

She's able to shove as many things as she wants inside without running out of room. She can also pull whatever she wants out of it without looking, just by merely thinking of what she wants. The bag can take on whatever form she wants it to as well, be it a back pack, or a little sack, or a fanny pack. She just has to concentrate her energy into it and pop! It changes.

She normally keeps it small and inside her shirt, unless she is trying to take out a larger object. She can not lose it, for if it goes too far from her it teleports directly beside her person in a poof of purple smoke. If others were to look inside an unguarded bag, they would see nothing, just emptiness.

She keeps a variety of things inside of her bag, such examples would be multiple changes of clothes, snacks, juice, mixers, her stuffed animal collection and more.

Her flask is enchanted with magical energy, so it never runs out of liquid.


Button is a strange case, despite her father and mother both being complete different species they still managed to bring her into this world. Who could have known, though, that a Dhampir and Succubus were even compatible?

Her parents met in a larg forested city, where Armand had taken a break from exploring the world. He eventually came across a strange bar, concealed from humans. There were multiple entrance points around the world that seemed to all connect to the main bar.

Armand eventually became a regular and discovered the cutest employee, Electra; they quickly had a fling in one of the many back rooms.

She was born formless, a strange blob-like creature, much to the curiosity of her parents. She matured quickly within the next few weeks, requiring surprisingly little care, though her eating habits were.. odd. The more she ate, the more humanoid form she began to take.

Months went by and her body body subconciously took a more humanoid appearance based on those around her. Years continued by and she stayed attached to her mother, Armand no longer being in the picture as he continued to explore the lands and wreak havoc wherever he went.

Armand Returns 
More years went by, she didn't keep track of how many, since her form didn't age naturally. Her father returned with more new family members, starting a business. Armand and Button formed a very close bond; the father sucking his daughter into the dark world of illegal trade. She followed him everywhere, causing trouble and mischief wherever they went.

Her Adventure Begins 
Button eventually decided she wanted to get out on her own, and so she did, her father gave her a small magical bag to carry with her on her adventures. She never saw normal humans before, preferring to stay in the company with her family who seemed to never age, just like herself.

She now adventures throughout the world much like her father before her, exploring and taking notes on all the world's curiosities.

Growing Up 
She flittered from place to place, land to land, meeting various races she couldn't have even imagined! Dragonoids, giants, goblins, oh my! Some monsters weren't sentient like she was or even hold a stable form like she could. They were mindless killing machines, she found out the hard way, having to be saved by her friend Alexei.

She and Alexei spent majority of their time together in a small forest town called Metslinn, they grew extremely close almost like sisters, spending their adolescence together in the town. They became well known, at first for being little trouble makers for their pranks, eventually for their contributions to the town in the form of monster slaying. They lived together in a small rented cottage on the outskirts of town, making their living by defeating various creatures deep in the forest and selling the materials.

But as time went on they began growing into different directions the closer they reached adulthood. Button made the choice to eventually leave Metslinn and continue exploring. With a tear filled good-bye and a promise to some day reunite, she departed to continue her adventures.

Young Adulthood 
One day while exploring a mysterious cave she walked through a portal to a hidden city, Flest, which was filled with even more portals scattered throughout that led to all manner of continents. The city was in a perpetual twilight and filled to the brim with and bustling with people no matter the location or time. The markets filled with exotic goods she'd never seen or dreamed of, clubs that never closed, brothels from low to high class, even auction houses for slaves.

She stayed in Flest for most of her young adulthood, partying it up while working as a bartender for one of the brothels. She made many good friends there and even better memories with them. Every so often she would depart to check where each portal in the main hub of the city led, sometimes even getting a tour of one of her companions hometowns that lie on the other end.

Eventually she got that itch again, said her good-byes, chose a random portal and was off to her next destination wherever that may be.

Misc Info

Likes And Dislikes
♡ Likes: Alcohol, eating (anything), games, sleeping, soft plush toys, hugs.
✘ Dislikes: Rules, being told what to do, sour things, people beating around the bush, people touching/taking her things.

Favorite Food Oranges
Least Favorite Food Sour Gummy Worms