Alistair Espeon



5 years, 3 months ago


"You may hurt me with the turth. But NEVER comfort me with a lie."

Name Alistair
Nicknames Ali
Age 24
Gender Male
Height 5'6"
Alignment Neutral good
Species Espeon
Relationship Status Rinna{muthecat}


Alistair came from a rather wealthy family. The parents were only the most prideful of their little bundles of joy. He had himself, his younger brother {Glaceon}, his mom {Umbreon} and his dad {Flareon}. They only had the best schools for them, best things to buy them- they honestly had everything they could ever want. Him and his brother were to inheirt their parents wealth, split of course. Alistiar had a very close relationship with his family, and absolutely adored them. He thought his life was perfect.

At least, it was. You see, there was one night the brothers wanted to go see a concert. They begged and pleaded their parents to let them go, which they finally gave in and allowed them to do so. Alistair and his brother were pumped to say the least. At this time, he was 16, so his parents trusted him to keep an eye on his brother. And he did just that. It started to get rather dark, which made Alistair feel a bit iffy. He had NEVER felt comfortable in the dark. NEVER felt comfortable with the night. But it was reaching the end of the night, which he was glad for.

However, the two had lost each other in the crowd. More specfically, his brother wandered off. Alistair did his damn best trying to find his younger sibling. Time continuted to pass and minutes became hours. He started to panic. Where was his brother? Well, he DID find him that night. But not in the way he would have EVER wanted to see him. He was down and a bloody mess. He quickly switched to a sobbing mess and ran up to his brother. Quickly shouting for someone to call for help. Help was called, but it was already too late. "H-Hey Ali. . ." His brother said, a defeated expression playing on his face. "I. . .I-I shouldn't have. . .w-wandered-"
"No shut up. Your going to be fine. Come on hurry up." The last part was under his breath, more so refering to the medics. This got a weak chuckle. His brother put his hand on Alistair's shoulder. "W-We. . .we know better." He then gave him a smile. "C-Come on. . .give me a-a smile Ali. . .
"How am I supposed to smile when your down like this?"
"L-Like this." He then gave his own smile up towards his brother.

Alistair bit his lip and he heard another very weak chuckle. "G-Guess I. . .shouldn't e-e-expect that. . .from you huh?"
"C-Come on shut up. Your gonna-"
"Ali. . .it. . .its okay." With that, before further arguement, he was gone. Which made Alistair panic and shout. If he wasn't a sobbing mess before, he sure was now.

After those events, home became unbearable. He was constantly blammed for his sibling's death. Alistair knew it wasn't his fault but. . .maybe it was? He was hearing it so much, so consistently, that he started to feel like it was and feel guilty for it. More than he already was. Only a year later, when he was 17, he was thrown to the streets by his parents. They held hatred in their eyes, which got him to snarl right back at them.

He found it hard to live on his own for quite sometime. He ridded of his rich clothes he previously had and found it better suited to his more. . ."rugged" clothing. He became rather cold to others and was VERY untrusting of them. Though when he turned 23, he found that he shouldn't act so rudely to EVERYONE. It wasn't their fault to what had happened in his life. There was no reason to be treating them so poorly. While he still isn't exactly a big fan of other Pokemon, he isn't as despising as he once was previously. Due to all this however, he had become a very protective guy to those who he grew close to and absolutely HATED being out late and alone. Even more so than he previously was.


HP 65
Attack 65
Defense 60
Sp. Atk 130
Sp. Def 95
Speed 110



  • Napping
  • Jackets
  • Sunsets / Sunrises
  • Card tricks


  • Night time
  • His family
  • Meditation
  • Lava lamps


Protective, "I don't give a shit", Graceful, Guilty, Blunt, Chartiable, Quiet, Calm, Fair

Alistair is a very protective guy, sometimes a little bit more so than he really needs to be. He honestly can't help it, as he tends to fear for the worst case scenario to those he is close to. He does channel the "I don't give a shit" attidude. And he really dosen't. He really could care less how others view him or what they think of him and his social standing. Alistair is a rather graceful Espeon, he seems unable to trip on his feet even if he tried. Heck, he can do parkour with ease and has yet to fall on his face. Even while carrying someone else. With all that said, he feels immense guilt over his younger brother's death. Even though it was not at all his fault. Due to this, he sometimes has periods where he just falls down in the dumps and just feels guilty. He is super duper blunt with everything, not really taking into consideration of being a bit more gentle with his words. Which, yes, has lead to earfuls from others. Alistair is a charitable guy, often having no issue with doing things for others for no cost or promise of reward. He's been rather known for his gernoristy towards others. He is a rather quiet person, usually letting his actions speak for him rather than his words. He is also pretty calm, seeming to never be on edge. Alistair is a fair minded person, never letting his bias take over his decsisons over something. Also he doesn't do too well with lies of any kind. Whether it is a wittle white lie or not.




  • Is kind of blind actually. But he doesn't use a cane or anything to help him about, he just goes his merry way. Despite being blind, he still has a good handle on his surroundings and where to look in general. Honestly, most people would probably not guess he's blind until they see his eyes.
  • He was created from a Pokemon-based design trade I did with some friends.
  • Alistair has been in his fair share of fist fights. Usually, it ends with him coming out on top. Not for his strength though, but for other reasons.
  • He's pretty great at dancing, but thinks he is horrible at it.
  • Because of being blamed for a good while before being kicked out, he actually did start to semi-believe the event with his brother was his fault. Due to this, he will sometimes have nightmares reliving the incident. Though that time, he's actually there and can't do anything to save his brother.