♡ Roux



5 years, 4 months ago



 nameroux c. delacroix

Or Roxette

species: human;


 age: 18+



date of birth: may 2

 zodiac: taurus


↬  can only cry on one eye

↬  prefers to eat fancy meals, however she doesnt mind drinking cheap liquor, coffees, teas or other liquids at all

↬  is rich; her mother owns a famous makeup brand and her father is a well known hair stylist

↬  you can find her in quiet cafes and libraries or in lively nightclubs and bars

↬  her favorite fruit is either apricot or kiwi

↬  her favorite drink is melon juice

↬  loves watching low budget movies, archaelogy documentaries and urbex videos

↬  her favorite books to read are mostly about crime

↬  cheery goth

↬  her middle name is cyrielle

↬  hard to keep in touch with, can suddenly decide to delete her social media or change her number without any warning

↬  the two hearts under her left eye are tattoos she got when she was 14

Her best friend is Jean, a 21 year old young man. They've been best friends since Roux was 13, when they met at a mutual friends birthday party at a McDonalds. Jean was the one who convinced Roux to take illegal heart tattoos at 14, and Roux convinced him to take the same tattoos just on his neck.

Roux's weird habit of changing her number and social medias every so often has raised quite a few eyebrows. When questioned about it, she hastily changes the subject.