


5 years, 3 months ago


NAME:Minki "Minz" Fizzlewick
Warlock (Demonology)
Chaotic Neutral (Chaotic Evil tendencies)

Height: 3'4''
Body Type: Pear-leaning hourglass
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Indigo to violet ombre


Minki "Minz" Fizzlewick was once a notably well-off socialite of Kezan, growing up in Undermine along with her younger brother and older sister. She proudly enjoyed many of the finer things Goblin society offered. She was well enough liked, but the life of a simple socialite bored the young goblin, which ultimately led to her decision to leave home in search of her own riches and experiences as soon as she was of-age. Unluckily--or perhaps, luckily, her departure from home shortly preceded the Cataclysm. She had already long-since gathered some money to catch a boat and leave Kezan entirely, but as luck would have it, Minz found herself among those tricked and enslaved by the Bilgewater Trade Prince.

Eventually, like the rest, she got what she had originally wanted: a chance at adventure. The only downside is now she had nothing. While once she had enough riches and sway to consider some day climbing to Trade Princess status (in her mind, at least), suddenly she had nothing. Despite that, it did not take her long to find her way. 

Minki had always had a fondness for pretty, sparkly things, especially of the crystal and gemstone variety. This interest was ultimately what led her to becoming a warlock--a fact that rightfully makes little sense at first to those that overhear the story. One day in passing, Minki spotted a Forsaken warlock, draped in lovely dark fabrics and sporting a belt with glowing alchemical concoctions. What truly caught the goblin's eye however were the brightly glowing purple 'crystals' floating above the warlock, along with a few peeking out of the undead's pouch. Letting her curiosity overtake her, she bombarded the Forsaken with questions, which he was all too pleased to proudly describe and explain.

The crystals were soul shards. They were vessels containing the actual souls of the slain, trapping them within a link to the Twisting Nether. It was a dark sort of magic that Minki knew nothing about... but she wanted to. After all, those were really pretty crystals, and she wanted hundreds of them. The forsaken was 'kind' enough to direct Minki to visit the Undercity, where she would no doubt easily find a Warlock who could teach her everything she wished to know.

So she did. The very same day she had taken a Zeppelin flight all the way from Orgrimmar, across the Great Sea, and to the gorgeously bleak, somber land of Tirisfal Glades. The Forsaken there were oddly accommodating the moment Minki made mention of her interest in becoming a warlock, and a handful of the guards gave the small girl careful instructions on how to navigate the ruins of Lordaeron to find their capital city.

As she took the elevator down, Minki immediately felt at home in a way. Not only was Undercity underground, much like where she had grown up, but it was... beautiful in a way. Sure, it was literally a sewer system and the place reeked of death and undeath and there were demons and abominations on every corner... but it was perfect

It did not take her long to find someone willing to teach her what it meant to become a Warlock. In time she learned more about those 'pretty purple crystals' she'd become so enamored with, along with the leeching, destructive powers of the Legion, and how to wield the Fel for her own gain. Along the way she learned how to summon various demons to do her bidding, and also spend some time training with the Apothecaries to learn a bit of alchemy to accompany her magic. 

Today, Minki has grown considerably as a Warlock. She favors summoning demons to do her work in battle for her, while occasionally lending her own destructive magics. Up until very recently, she stayed out of most of the world's greater conflicts, focusing on her training deep within Undercity, all the way up until the attack on the city that ended with its borderline destruction. With her home destroyed, Minki has since been inspired to join in the fight, following the friends she had made in the Forsaken to assist in the war efforts whenever possible. 


Minki isn't too different from the majority of goblins. She'd proud, energetic, and a bit boisterous at times. She favors explosions and sparkly things, and as a result enjoys collecting crystals and using her destructive magics. She likes to keep herself clean and tidy in contrast, rather enjoying cladding herself in nice dresses adorned with lace and gemstones. Ironically, despite being a warlock and proudly wielding the magic of the Legion, Minki would not consider herself evil or ill-intended. While she thoroughly enjoys collecting souls to fill her soulshards, she only collects the souls of those that cross her or (by her opinion) deserve death. 

She's mildly friendly, albeit outspoken to a fault at times. She's incredibly flirtatious with those she is interested in, and will often continue to flirt with people for fun even when she's fully aware she won't get anything out of it.