Denrasil Elaxalim


Basic Info

True Name


Known Aliases

Tet, Tethisus, Tetrasis, Denrasil Elaxalim, Morningstar, Tetrafel

Entity Type

Creation Power






Vordr (Husband), Noctillius (Friend), Jerikovil (Friend), Kaius (Adopted Son)

Current Location



Color Key
Tetrafel, The SeraphMorningstar, The Fugitive
Denrasil, the Adventurer
Tet, the Root Shard

Before the universe was here, there were other things roaming around. Pre-creation beasts ruled the empty void. Inside the mind of one of these beasts, a thought grew into a set of eleven entities known as the Creation Powers: Chaos, Order, Light, Dark, Life, Death, Time, Matter, Energy, Fate, and Destruction. Chaos, Order, and Fate were siblings. Chaos and Order merged into one entity, Balance, who was never at ease. The two sides, chaos and order, constantly fighting for control. Balance never stayed the same, ever-changing. Eventually, Chaos won control over the body, and began collecting shards of energy from the other powers. Eventually, the shards grew unstable. Unsure of what to do, Chaos combined them, in the hopes that they would all negate each other.

That did not happen.

The shards combined and exploded, ripping a hole in the mind of the Pre-Creation beast and letting the Creation Powers out. The explosion traveled far and wide, forming the Universe. 

Needless to say, the other Creation Powers were not happy. They didn't want to be released, didn't want to have to watch over this new universe. Chaos became distant from them, sticking to themself and getting used to the idea of being alone. 

But Destruction didn't seem to care. He befriended Chaos, and together they roamed the new universe, exploring, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. They chose names for themselves. Chaos chose Tet, Destruction chose Vordr. They happened upon a group of entities known as Vkrnos entities, who were the remnants of other pre-creation beasts destroyed by the initial blast. Vordr instantly befriended them, but Tet sensed that they were dangerous, and malevolent. The leader of the Vkrnos was one of the Three Knowns, Truth. He began planting the idea of betrayal in Vordr's mind, and Vordr tried to convince Tet it was a good idea. But Tet didn't trust it, and ran. They went to the other Creation Powers, told them about the plot. The other Powers wanted to go fight. But Tet had seen the Vkrnos' powers, what they were capable of, and they tried to convince the Creation Powers that it was a bad idea. But they would not listen. So Tet tricked them; lured them into the room with the Book of Creation and trapped them all inside a stone, then left the void and took up a physical form in the Universe. 

The strain from sealing the Powers took a toll, and Tet's soul fractured into four shards, scattering themselves across the universe. One shard became Tetrafel, the Seraph. One became Morningstar, the fugitive. One became Denrasil, the adventurerThe other went to the realm of chaos and became entrapped in a stone statue, where it slept for eons. 

Tetrafel, the seraph, existed for 5283 years. His brothers, Michael and Lucifer, went to war, dragging the entirety of heaven and hell with them. After losing his child, his niece, his best friend, and his wings, Tetrafel jumped off of heaven, and his soul became incarnated in human form on Earth, combined with seven other soul shards along the way. One of the shards belonged to Lily Anne-Marie, who was the wife of the Director, and one of the Three Knowns - Necessity. Seeing this, The Director enrolled the human in classes at Onyu, with the hopes that the soul of his wife would remember and be freed. As the shard of Lily began to regain memories, so did the shard of Tet. The other six shards - Agito, Edward, Lillian (1st of the 20 Infinites), Alice, Robin (5th of the 20 Infinites),  and Astaros (The Starseer) - all slowly began remembering their own memories, and developing their own personalities. The human began gaining some of the abilities of Tet, combined with some of the abilities of the Infinites and the Starseers, as well as those of Lily Anne-Marie. The human began journeying into the astral, between realms, and into Tet-Kan, where Denrasil resided. 

Morningstar, better known as Alias:Morningstar, was the embodiment of all of Tet's pain, anger, fear, and madness. He went on a rampage around the universe, stealing, killing, destroying. Eventually, the Interdimensional Anomaly Containment Agency (better known as IDACA or Ithaca), apprehended him and kept him in confinement on the order of Onyu Council. He remained their captive until a month ago (December 2018), when he disappeared from his cell. 

Denrasil, full name Denrasil Feyrith Elaxalim, was the good of Tet. The desire to do the right thing, to save the world, to befriend everyone. He was born the prince of the Fae Lands, a powerful magic user, and rightful heir to the throne, ahead of his twin Leric. But after expressing a desire to travel the world and go on adventures to the Masian (human) kingdoms, his father refused to let him go. So he snuck out, ran away when he was only 18. He met Darian Defarena, a masian photographer who was currently out of a job and wandering the forests. They became friends, and began exploring the world, writing a book together about the world. Darian took the photos for the book, and they published it two and a half years later. Two years after that, they got married. One year after that, they had a daughter, Anayah. Everything was peaceful. Four years passed. Anayah was growing up, and her love for flowers blossomed. Every day, she would bring home a basket full of wild flowers, giving them to the other members of the village as 'protection tokens'. But one night, the sky turned red, and the stars were blocked out by a thick cloud of smoke. Denrasil raced outside, to see what was going on, and he was confronted by the screams of the other villagers and the sight of the whole village on fire. Several armed men wearing blood-red armor chased him down and captured him, then his family. They made him watch as his husband and daughter were burned alive. Then they left him for dead. But he lived. He made his way to the King's castle, where he told him his story and asked for aid in stopping the men before they destroyed any other towns. The King granted his request, and Denrasil was trained and put in charge of an army, which he led into battle against the attackers. After a long battle, he was victorious, at the loss of his left leg. He returned, and was deemed a hero. He was granted a position as head of the MainaraGuard, and became the King's friend. A thousand years pass. A new king has taken the throne - Jerikovil (nicknamed Jericho by Denrasil). The kingdom is prospering, the world is at peace. But then the attacks begin happening again. A young man, only 17, approaches Denrasil, asking for his help. The boy's village was burned down by men in blood-red armor. Denrasil agrees to help him, and they defeat the evil yet again. A few months pass. Denrasil tracks the source of the attackers back to his own father, the Fae King. He apprehends his father and imprisons him, leaving his twin brother Leric in charge of the Fae Kingdom. Everything quiets down. Then a mysterious stranger appears, who looks much like Darian, and who seems too familiar to be a complete stranger. It is revealed that the stranger is Vordr, who has come to apologise. They talk for a while, and then become romantically involved. That is where we are left off. IDACA contacts Denrasil about the missing prisoner. 

The shard that became entrapped in stone slept for eons. Two months ago, in November of 2018, the human incarnation of Tet entered the realm of chaos with a friend, who is revealled to be Europa, a celestial goddess, and together they free Tet. The shard takes a physical form, having regained all memories from before the split. Then vanishes. The human and their friend, having freed the human's root soul, leave. 

And that is how we get to here.