[NSFW] Tapioca Meloncreme



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info






Gay??? (Adores men, attracted to some nonbinary, would fuck a woman theoretically if he liked her enough)


NOID special-blend





Relationship Status

Married to Karu & Setsal; his best friend Algar is his 'mister'

Type of Love

Agapic eros


(profile is a WIP)



Tapi is an angelically young looking man. He is well of age but could pass for someone in their early twenties or even late teens, but not ever mistaken for a child; his facial features are boyish, and very pretty. He is 158cm (about 5’2”) and is slender in the torso, with thick muscles in his legs. His hips are wide and curvy, and his waist is small; his rear is soft, luscious, and plush, dramatically going up to a slender torso. His chest and belly are long and lithe. His arms are toned but delicate, with small hands with long pianist fingers; he lacks claws on his fingers, but has thicker than average nails that are naturally a deep amber shade with a high glossy shine; his fingers are black, up to part of his palm, looking like he's dipped his fingers in paint. The rest of his skin is mottled cream and white and has a light sparkle to it. He has strong cut shoulder blades, going to a waspy waist. He has long toe-walking feet with thick clawed digging toes; compared to a human, his legs are disproportionately long, and strong, with fairly thick muscles & thighs despite his otherwise slim body. He has difficulty wearing socks due to his feet shape but he does tend to wear leg warmers, uncomfortable with showing his ankles-- this is where his lab labelling is tattooed, beneath his fur. Besides the hair on his head, his fur, and his pubic hair, he is naturally hairless.

Tapi's genitals are hermaphroditic. He has a vagina and a small, slender prick placed about where the clit would be; it is shorter than average, with a soft, pink head, and foreskin that covers nearly the entire thing when soft. He's not particularly large at all but he is a 'grower'. His vagina has small, tight lips. He doesn't shave or trim his pubic hair, but it is naturally sparse. His hips are thick, his ass soft, plush, and round. His vagina is visible from behind easily when he bends.

His hair is in a short, stylish cut and toffee-coloured and super-soft to the touch, shiny and fur-like. His ears are long, fur-covered lop ears; they are positioned starting in the same place as they would on a human. His tail is long and covered in thick, fluffy soft fur, and very flexible, but not prehensile. The fur on his ears and tail is a few shades darker than his hair.

He has a long, angelic face with high cheekbones. His cheeks are slightly hollow. His brow is fine and his nose is long-bridged but slender. His lips are full and plush. His eyes are a very pale green; they are decorated with black markings around them like that of a hotot rabbit, which often gets mistaken for heavy makeup by viewers of his show. Altogether, his face has an almost alien, inhuman appearance, beautiful but uncanny.  His neck is long and swany, and it barely moves when he speaks, but moves dramatically when he swallows.

Genetic Makeup

Careful input was done to be sure there was not a single bit of human in any of the creations of NOID, and Tapi’s program was no exception. However, the exact design of Tapi’s being was a tightly held trade secret, and was not revealed with the disbandonment of NOID, nor in the documents leaked at its exposure. It’s assumed that he is largely fairy, possibly a combination of different species of pucks, due to some of his animal-like traits, but this is only speculation based off his physical appearance. It is entirely unknown how much, if any, of his genetics are synthetic.

Physical and Mental Ailments

Tapi suffers most notably from a unique bladder issue. As a pet designed to fit his owner’s needs, he was modified soon after birth for the sexual tastes of his owner, Dr Tachi. This resulted in a bladder that is simultaneously high-input, able to hold much more urine than the average adult human male, and high urgency. He is not incontinent, but Tapi struggles with needing to urinate often, and having difficulty “holding it”; his urges to relieve himself can be quite sudden and dramatic, and hard to control.

Tapi was once fertile in his uterus, but is now rendered sterile. He is not upset by this. It is unknown if his semen is fertile or not.

Tapi is unable to age physically.

Tapi suffers badly from obsessive compulsive disorder as well as general anxiety. He’s agoraphobic, and has difficulty leaving the house; when he does, he is rarely alone, and it is usually only for trips to friends’ houses. He especially suffers anxiety over going anywhere if he’s unsure he’ll be able to find a public restroom.

Due to his physical problems with his bladder, and to help ease the anxiety, no matter how short the trip, Tapi doesn’t leave the house without wearing a condom catheter. He’s very self-conscious about it and doesn’t tend to let anybody see it, unless he trusts them. He does not wear it during sex.

Tapi suffers post traumatic stress disorder. While he finds being in a laboratory or medical setting soothing, he is extra sensitive to any stress if they occur there. He has meltdowns if hit or struck, and any sort of sexual abuse or harassment can put him there as well. Many medical examinations trigger him. He has vivid nightmares and flashbacks.

Relationships & Friendships

Tapi fell in love with, and married, Karu, a fae who had been captured and brought to the NOID lab. They met there, and Karu was integral in Tapi's escape.
Later, after several years free, Tapi met Algar and his husband Amiri through their porn site, and began working for them. They're his best friends and he loves them dearly, but he especially boded with Algar, his mister-- both are uncomfortable with the term 'master'.
Through the site, Tapi and Karu met Setsal, who they mutually fell in love with, and married together.

Tapi has sex freely and openly with friends. He believes sex is something that people that love each other should do, if they want to and like to; he certainly loves his friends, so he freely plays with any of them. Unfortunately, he is easily manipulated, so his husbands and Algar are frequently protecting him and checking out heavily who he befriends.

(Avatar cropped from an image by Nnairda, full is below)