3 Bethina



5 years, 4 months ago


  • Bethina, she, mid 20s [physically], no orientation 
  • 4'11'', thick/stocky/apple shaped build 
  • Baby blue hair pulled to the sides/front shoulders on both ends and tied loosely near the tips with white ribbon. purple eyes, round glasses. Likes "fantasy princess" dresses, not ones historically accurate but ones that are cute and like storybooks. Wears a small purple tiara. 
  • Younger/child alter in royal system. Handled some emotional abuse, and often comes out if there is chaos or loud happenings. Believes that if she just tries to keep quiet and endure it best she can without "making things worse" that the situation will "go away." 
  • Passive, quiet, and timid, she's realized early on that the less noise she makes the safer she is. as an adult [in body] she's trying her best to learn that she can take up space or "make noise." she's very gentle and soft, cries easily, and is slowly becoming more comfortable with expressing emotions. she's kindhearted and enjoys helping small animals or the feeling of helping something more vulnerable than herself, even if she struggles to actually help herself. 
  • likes reading stories, illustrating/drawing/colouring, tea (specifically to make and share tea with others, like a 'party'), and anything soft - blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, etc. She likes to go for slow strolls in nature, less about body movement and more about just being outside. dislikes being put on spot, people she isn't familiar with, and sitting on hard surfaces/standing in uncomfy shoes. favourite flowers are lillies.