1 Cecilia



5 years, 4 months ago


  • Cecilia "CC" sara vanguard, she, immortal (but eternally ~30), aro ace 
  • 4'10'' pear shaped and plus size (but on smaller side) 
  • Moon goddess, princess, and sargon's twin 
  • While CC appears to be calm and collected on the outside, she's usually got a thousand thoughts intertwining and mangling on the inside. Both as someone who thinks and studies and takes in the world around her And as someone who's anxiety runs very deep, she's had to make a strong effort to learn how to take a breather and clear her mind - especially since that's her duties as the moon goddess, to bring clarity to elves and help them integrate subconscious thinking to their conscious mind. She's the type to have a small but strong friend group, and prefers to stay home in her cabin in the woods reading by candlelight over anything else. She's very spiritual and a self-described witch who loves tarot, incense, and pendulums, and has found a home within goth/scemo communities. She has necromancy powers as well, but she's a bit rusty with them, as she only rarely needs to use them. 
  • Likes colorful and scented candles, moonlit nights in a foggy forest, rereading the same familiar books over and over for comfort, and peace and quiet from stillness. dislikes bitter foods/smells, too many people talking when she's trying to concentrate, and when her friends expect her to fix their problems on their behalf (*cough* xanthe *cough*). favourite flower is moon lily, favourite food is potato soup or mushroom pizza.