


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: ???
Other Name: Recover
Nickname(s): Last Second
Age: 25
Species: ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Sex/Gender: Female
Occupation: [TBA]
Height: 5'11" / 180cm
Sexuality: Pansexual

To the point, hard working and serious, Recover copes amazingly well in almost all stressful situations, unless she completely loses all control. While not working, as rare as it is, Recover is mostly calm and relaxed, often pretty jokey.

-People helping her, she always appreciates the added assistance.
-Ice Tea

-People trying to disrupt her work, she's rushing to save people, not to sign your fucking shirt.


Recover's List of Powers
  • Adrenaline: Recover can increase her strength and reaction time in quick bursts.
  • Clone: Recover can create up to 4 copies of herself in order to help multiple people in a single crisis.
  • Nobody really knows what she actually looks like, where she came from, or if she's actually human.
  • Each one of Recover's suits come with their own specifications and abilities, where she keeps these is currently unknown.
  • Swears pretty frequently.
  • Recover will do whatever she can to save as many lives as possible. She does not feel regret if one or two people are lost for the greater number. This includes actually injuring people if they pose too much of a threat.
  • Prioritizes some targets of rescue over others:
     1. Age (Youngest to Oldest)
     2. Injury (Least Injured to Most Injured)
  • If she has time, she will attempt to recover fatalities, but this is not a priority in the slightest.