Cherry Calluna (Cherry Bomb)



5 years, 4 months ago


Cherry Calluna is a fairly new wanderer, made from a man's delusions about finding a manic pixie dream girl. Despite her origins, she has no interest in the man, or any other men. She's manic the majority of the time, and frequently has to be curbed in from making rash decisions. She has been taken in as something of a daughter to Chico and Rita, and helps them out around the flower shop in exchange for room and board, as well as a small amount of spending money. She has major destructive tendencies, which she has learned to express on the track at roller derby, where she goes by Cherry Bomb. She is also a fan of paintball, and between the two hobbies, she is covered in dark bruises more often than not. She's a bit on the clueless side, and doesn't appreciate subtlety. Born Dec 19