


5 years, 3 months ago


  • Kaisaki
  • Male
  • 5'8
  • Dragon hybrid
  •  $$



Kaisaki is a very nervous and awkward teen, but is also very reliable and friendly. He's aspiring, earnest and good-natured, but these are in a way balanced by being impatient as well.
Hi's reliability though, this is what he's most well-liked for. There are many times when friends count on this and his methodical nature when they're feeling down.

Nobody's perfect of course and Kaisaki has plenty of less favorable traits too. His awkwardness and anxiety is a big downside to him, and makes it difficult for him to make friends. Kaisaki is very impatient gets very grumpy when things get complicated and will usually be the first one to give up. .
Fortunately his calm and sweet aura usually softens the worst of it.

Quirk: Earth Dragon (Earth manipulation)

Kaisaki is one of the 4 dragon elements (Earth, wind, fire, and air) and has the power to manipulate elements derived from earth.

Kaisaki can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.

Side effects/down sides:

  • May be unable to create earth, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.
  • May have to be/stay in contact with earth.
  • Glass and artificial solids may be hard or impossible to control.
  • Geo-kinetic Immunity
  • May not be able to control extraterrestrial (Alien) earthen elements.
  • Earthen materials may be weak against erosion caused by water, ice or air.
Most of the information was provided by Power-listing fandom, and was used for non-commercial intentions.

"Oh no not again"

Design Notes

  • Nose doesn't have to bleed all the time!
  • Claw gauges and choker are NOT optional
  • ALWAYS draw him with the horns and tail
  • His eyes are grey, slit pupil.
  • Don't change his outfit unless stated by me.