

5 years, 5 months ago
f T m art


name: coven cornelia

age: 18

gender: female

nationality: japanese/jamaican (asian African American)

sexuality: bi but she very much prefers giiiiirls!!

tomboy who rides motorcycles and plays video games religiously

she's very fit and goes to the gym a lot

she helps people a lot, if she sees someone in trouble she's very inclined to assist them

she lives with her older sister (she's a model), her parents are very rich but live in their dream home in Japan and they send them money a lot. corven still has a job as a baker at a local cafe/bakery because she still feels like she should do something. shes pretty well off, and she knows she shouldn't flex on people but she does quite often lmao

she was adopted by her parents with her sister when she was a baby, so she doesn't remember anything about her birth parents. she doesn't really care that much, and neither does her sister. her adopted parents were really nice so oh well y'know? lmao

when she was in 6th grade she had a reputation to fight other kids, she was a frequent visitor of the principal's office. she mellowed out in 12th grade.

she's trying to get a bachelor's degree in culinary arts