Expel Edric



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Expel Edric

Species: Raccoon
Gender: Male
Birthday: August 13
Age: 19
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 6’ 2”
Relationship status: Single

Personality: Expel is an individual that is very into business.  Despite being a leader of a gang he has respect for women and children, never putting them in harms way.  It is very different for men.  Expel is usually laid back but can be strict about his rules that he placed in his gang.

Added details: Expel carries a Brooklyn accent and has a bad habit of smoking most of the time.

Backstory: Expel is the son of a gang leader.  He took over when his father passed away in his preteen years causing him to always be in the life of crime but at the same time stable, rolling in cash with many allies.  His gang mainly clashes with Traffic's gang.

( As Expel finds his power of light embarrassing he would never use them unless he’s convinced other wise of or if the situation is dire )
-blindness flashes
-light barrier
-light blasts/ bursts
-hand to hand combat

Family:  Father and mother (names TBA ) 

Relationship with: Deniri-

Expel is very protective of Deniri and sees her as a little sister. One day once Expel was ambushed in gang activity and had lethal injuries, Deniri took him in and nursed him back to health. Expel feels in debted to her. Offering her constant protection under him and his gang and assists her with any financial needs.