Atlas Vega



5 years, 7 months ago



Atlas Vega
Astral Projecter/Maltese Tiger
Space Pirate
5ft 7in
143 lbs
Love Interest


Atlas is known as a con man and pirate, doing what it takes for his own selfish needs and desires as he became too obsessed with the thrill of it. This derived from his thieving parents' background and later being involved with a bad group. Sorbet and Zerenity are the only two he grows to respect. Atlas takes a quick interest and liking to technology and aircrafts/ spaceships and loves to build. He spends most of his time in junk yards to see what he could put together. He tries to keep a tough act but once he's made shy or timid he is unable to think straight. Atlas is an astral projector but has the rare trait of being able to remain in the astral realm physically for as long as he wants. His mother is originally from the astral realm and his father is also an astral projector which probably gave Atlas this rare trait through his genes.


Atlas was born in a town in the astral realm called Quasar. A very industrial and crowded town that has it's share of businesses but slums in the alley ways as well. The slums with homes embedded into the walls, stacked on top of one another was the home of Atlas, along with his parents, Melios and Arma. The parents has a lifestyle of stealing and scams. When dealing with the wrong group of thugs Melios and Arma went into hiding back in the slums especially when they had a newborn child and tried to quit their stealing routine finding it too risky and dangerous for their babies. It became too late as the wrong group of criminals attacked the Vega's. The parents managed to escape the town to the prime world but Atlas was kidnapped as a newborn in the tussle. Atlas spends his younger years being raised with the new criminal leader receiving abuse from them and another in the group, treating him as a slave. Atlas didn't know any better and thought this treatment was normal. One day while he scavenges for the criminal group he meets up with an orphan, Sorbet. Atlas tries to steal from the Sorbet but was caught with ease as Sorbet was very alert and strong for his age. After arguing and talking Sorbet learned they had more in common as Atlas lied about being an orphan as well, causing Sorbet to lighten up on the boy. The two then decide to work together with one another and started to steal to make a living, which Atlas enjoyed. By the time they hit their teenage years, the boys became crafty enough to build devices to use to their advantages to make their schemes easier to pull off. Atlas started to stay around and depend on Sorbet leaving his life with living and depending on the criminal group, seeing how different and nicer he was treated than in the way he grew up with. He had an actual friend for the first time. Their conning and stealth eventually gave them the reward to finally board a ship to leave Quasar, for what Atlas thought was for good. From then on, Atlas gained reputation, that was the docks, being a space pirate along with SOrbet. Before his departure Atlas learned from the evil group about his real family and was determined to go and find them, having a battered picture of them to relay back to. Few years later Atlas and Sorbet befriends a bartender named Zerenity who usually gives them the intel they need.


Stealing, treasure/money/wealth, sleeping, technology, tinkering, conning, playing games, competing, aircrafts/ high tech vehicles (mostly motorcycles), stars/ star maps/ constellations and galaxies, seafood/ spicy food, milk, blue, gambling, trance music.


Blushing/ embarrassment (ruins his thought process), his parents (at first), commitment, cluttered crowds, bossy people or authorities, loosing (sore looser or goes into denial), the criminal group that "raised him" (Name pending).


Atlas is an Astral Projector with the rare capability to remain physically in the Astral Realm as long as he desires. He is also strong in science, piloting, building and tinkering. He's intelligent and is open to using this to manipulate others.


Once shy, unable to function or think well, Topic on or around parents or his own parents, can get him moody/ sad Same with the topic of his sister. Money/ treasure/ riches- greedy, his cockiness, conning constantly gets him into trouble in the longer run/ karma/ ruins his future plans/ ideas.


Never finding or being reunited with his family, Being arrested, Being alone/ Abandoned, The criminal group he used to be a part of tracking him or his friends and family down.


Atlas was originally just a tiger but Razorblade showed me the maltese tigers that made Atlas' colors make sense, Atlas was made to compliment or belong in a futuristic world (inspired from Treasure planet), Atlas was inspired from Flynn or Eugene xD from Tangled, Atlas actually has white pupils

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