


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Dimian Corjja


Lesces (Olive)


8.5 sweeps

God tier

Mage of Life

Lunar sway



Lynx but big and more monster


<3 Ludias


In the quieter part of town, right next to the wilderness. Populated by low-to-midbloods. Its small, basically a garage but with a kitchen. Just has a shitty coffee table or two, a couple recuperacoons, and an outdated old TV


Neutral, sympathizes with rebels but thinks actually resisting is stupid

Positive qualities

Survival skills, reliability, a good friend and partner, just awful with strangers, very street-smart

Negative qualities

Properly communicating and articulating thoughts, is kind of antisocial, blunt, sensitive about and acts really emotionally about things he cares about [can also be a positive though but it’s usually seen as a bad quality I guess].


Your name is DIMIAN CORJJA and you PLAY IT SAFE. You lay low, and are comfortable that way. You tend to think everything and everyone is OUT TO GET YOU and also have NEVER HEARD OF A JOKE IN YOUR LIFE. Being prepared for any situation is very important to you, and you are very protective of both yourself and those you love. Formerly, you were a SMUGGLER of highblood media for a rebel group you were connected with. You are not a rebel yourself, but it was an easy task due to your connections. Since you’ve dropped the job, you spend your free time CRITIQUING MOVIES you’ve already seen a hundred times over and HUNTING out alone. Another one of your favorite things to do has always been to SIT IN COMPLETE SILENCE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME with your MATESPRIT. When you have no other options, you enjoy clicking around on GRUBTUBE and watching any video with a fat red circle slapped onto it.

You live very much in your own world. You are very BLUNT and don’t have much of a filter, along with << A pretty < Goddamn annoying < Choppy way of < Speaking < Because of this, strangers aren’t really inclined to like you. They tend to PICK FIGHTS with you, which you adamantly decline whenever possible. Not because you can’t win, of course, as you are rather STRONG and SMART. You are also a PICKY EATER and will not eat food that you did not catch yourself.

<< I like < To cover < My whole body <

<< Because complete < Coverage makes me feel < More secure <

<< I obscure part < Of my face < For the same reason <

<< I love to < Write <

<< Ive been documenting < My whole < Life and do < A lot of < Reflection <

<< I love poetry < But music < Is too much for < Me it just < Sounds like noise < Lol <