


5 years, 3 months ago


 Name is Jian. It means Minus from Chineese. A-and he is an Explorer, obviosly. He prefer to see new places rather then go resquing someone or hunt the outlaws.

 Jian is a big fan of traviling and camping. This is the main reason his travelbag is so huge. He knows all about exploration and survival, and easily can help you find a way anywhere you want to go.

 He also life of the party. Jian never miss the oppotunity to hang out with his friends and play games. It light a spark in him, especially when it comes to competitions. Frendly competitions only.

 Oh, and how can i forget about the stories? He loves them A LOT. He remembers many by heart (but he still improvise sometimes too), and can make one up easily!

 Jian isn't much of a fighter. He dosent even like to fight back to defend himself! Minun believes that a conversation can slove all the problems, and tries to be nice, maybe even naive sometimes.

 Another his flaw that he is... kinda addict to alcohol. Not real, tho. There is berries, what can make you "feel funny", and he drink their juce to forget about a hard or unfortunate day.

 In clothes Jian prefers brown scarfs or bandanas. He also likes orbs of diffrent color, collect them an then use as a decoration to his bag.

 Jians backstory not so unique. He lived as a normal pokemon do, and as every kid he dreamed to have an adventures. So, he realised his dream pretty much. He never known his father, but his mum said Jian is a lot like him. Like father, like son, thay say?

 So, all in all, Jian is a optimistic and caring guy, who also a good friend to everyone.