


9 years, 5 months ago


Verse ; Memory | After the Great War.

Name: Kikuo Saitou
Gender: Male
Age: 1,235 but says 18
Height/Weight: 5'8" / 198lbs
Birthdate: June 2nd (Gemini/Rooster)
Species: Eisberg Drake
Orientation: Omnisexual, Grey aromantic
Occupation: Barista, Guardian of the gate to Aversa Pars.

  • Personality

     Kikuo appears as a very cold (snorts) individual. Doesn’t show much of a reaction when hurt physically or mentally. Usually doesn’t say much to anyone but gives them looks, but he actually enjoys company despite his awkward way of handling social interactions. He’s very straightforward which causes most to be caught off guard by his responses. No matter how ludicrous, he has no reason to make up anything.

  He prefers to act out his emotions rather than talk it out. Saying it is different than expressing it to him. Besides there are somethings that can only be said using actions. This way his words don’t seem like a joke.

  Others come before himself. If he is attached to someone (friend, family, lover, etc..) he becomes very protective. Loyal and practically becomes passive. At times he forgets about his own worries to assist a friend in need.

  His odd temperament. Though it isn’t anything specific (mostly when flustered) he begins snapping towards others for strange reasons. It could be mostly due to emotional build up from past endeavours he had pushed aside and forgotten. His memory is terrible. Has a bad habit of calling people by other people’s names. Resulting in complete and utter confusion.

  • Ability Summary

Ice Manipulation;
He is able to create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations.

Dragon Physiology; His true form is over 20ft tall. Large glaciers taking up its back. He is unable to adjust his height, so he is not allowed to transform within the shop. His body is pure ice. His control over the ice element increases in this form. As fire cannot harm it. Since even that can be frozen by its breath. His humanoid form cannot take excessive heat.